7. The End Of All Things

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My mom made me get up this morning, even though I didn't get much sleep last night. I felt so bad and the guilt wouldn't let me sleep. Ryan was eating cereal in his room, so I decided I'd go to apologize or at least ease the guilt.

"Hey, Ryro." I said cautiously.

"What do you want?" He asked. He continued to eat and watch whatever was on the TV.

"To apologize," I replied. "Ry, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have freaked out like that. You were simply trying to help and I pushed you away. I'm so, so sorry."

"It's okay. I shouldn't have given up on you like that." He apologized. I went over and sat beside him on the floor.

"So we're cool?" I asked. He nodded and hugged me.

"I want to show you something." I said. I got up and went into my room to get ready. I thought about it last night, and I was close to sneaking out and going to that clearing in the woods to think. Now I want to show Ryan the serene spot that helped me relax.

Once I was ready, I checked in on Ryan, who was sitting there in his pajamas.

"Get ready!" I said. He got up and handed me his bowl before shutting the door. I took his bowl to the kitchen while he got ready. About five minutes later, he ran down the stairs.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"You'll see. Go get in the car." I said. He did as he was told and got in my car. I grabbed my keys and went out after him. My parents weren't home, so I had to lock the door. I got in my car and headed for the woods.

"Dude, tell me where we're going." Ryan demanded.

"Or what? You'll stab me?" I teased.

"No. I'll just scream until you tell me where we're going." He said. He started to scream random words at the top of his lungs. I decided I'd lie and wait.

"Fine! We're going to the ice cream shop on the corner!" I yelled over his obnoxious screaming. He smiled and stayed quiet. Three minutes later, I pulled into the parking lot for the tennis court and park.

"Uh, Bren? What are you doing?" He asked, confused. I got out and walked up the familiar trail, hoping he would follow. I looked back as I entered the woods and noticed him running towards me. He caught up and fell into step with me.

"So I found this place the night that I was supposed to go eat dinner with Dallon and his family," I started. "And it calmed me down due to how serene and silent it was. I was hoping to show you and see if it has the same effects on you."

"Why didn't you just tell me we were going here earlier? I wouldn't mind." He asked.

"Because that was payback for yesterday. Taking me to the mall just so you could prance around like an idiot in public." I said. He punched my arm playfully and walked ahead of me.

"You don't know where this place is, dingus." I called out at him. He turned around and walked back. I pulled back the limbs that cover up most of the entrance and let Ryan in first.

"Wow. This place is beautiful." He admired it as he sat on the grass. I claimed my spot on the rock.

"Just think. Eventually, it'll seem like I'm not even here." I instructed. He nodded and laid back in the grass. I began to drift off into my own thoughts as well, letting my mind take over. It was peaceful until Ryan tapped on my shoulder.

"I'm hungry." He whined. I laughed and got of the rock.

"Let's go get some food then." I said. We left the clearing and went back down the trail.

"You want to walk since there's a few places down the street?" He asked. I nodded and began walking on the sidewalk.

Ryan and I were in the middle of a conversation when someone bumped into him. I looked up and seen Dallon staring at us in disgust. Ryan stopped dead in his tracks, making my heart stop. Ryan pushed me behind him and stepped closer to Dallon.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Ryan asked, getting in Dallon's face.

"I'm not the one with the problem, tough guy!" Dallon responded.

"Obviously you are! You hate Brendon for something he can't change! You two were close and now he can't hear your name without crying! You fucked up, not him!" Ryan shouted, pushing Dallon as he talked.

"Ha, okay. You keep believing that." He paused, "Well I'd love to sit here and argue with you two fags all day, but I have plans." He said and walked off. I felt the need to chase after him. I ran in his direction, ignoring Ryan.

"Dallon, wait." I grabbed his arm and tried to get his attention.

"Get off of me!" He shouted, pulling my hand off of his arm.

"Dallon, I'm sorry I'm not the way you want me to be, but I need you in my life. I wish we could go back to the way things were." I apologized. I know I shouldn't apologize for being gay, but I need him in my life. Without him, I feel almost empty. Yes, I have Ryan in my life, but I don't love Ryan the way I love Dallon.

"Back away from me before I kick your ass." Dallon threatened. I put my head down and walked back to Ryan. I couldn't help the tears that escaped. Ryan pulled me into a hug and flipped Dallon off.

"Why did you run off? You knew he was going to hurt you." Ryan asked, hugging me tightly.

"I wanted to apologize. I want him to be in my life again." I sniffled into his shoulder.

"Well let's forget about it and go eat. What do you say?" He asked, pulling me off of him. I nodded and walked with him to some fast food restaurant. We got our food and headed back to the clearing. When we got back, I went to my car to get my phone real quick. I let Ryan go up and I'd be there in a minute, but he came back.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"We're going home. Trust me, you do not want to go back up there." He said.

"Why not?" I asked. He hesitated a bit before answering.

"Just trust me. Can we go home?" He pleaded.

"No. I want to know what's up there that's so bad." I walked up the trail, Ryan following me and trying to get me to turn around. I got to the clearing and peeked through the leaves. I had to bite my lip to stop myself from crying out in pain. There he was, making out with his girlfriend in my spot. I turned around and ran back to Ryan. I should've listened to him.

"Let's go home." I mumbled and walked back to my car. I let Ryan drive us home while I ate my food. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Pete- So I don't know if you know this, but Dallon pretty much told the whole school that you're gay and that you and Ryan are dating.

Great. Just great. He still feels the need to fuck up my life. And now he's targeting Ryan too. That's too much. He knows damn well that I am not dating Ryan. I decided to tell him about it when we got home.

We pulled into the driveway and got out of the car. I ran inside and threw away my trash. I needed to tell Ryan as soon as possible.

"Brendon, what's wrong?" He asked when I hurried him to his room.

"Dallon told the whole school that I'm gay and that we're dating." I said, waiting for his reaction.

"I hate that kid. I don't see how you love him. All he does is tear you down." He said.

"I know, but he's blind. When he sees what he's doing, he'll regret it. I promise." I said.

"Whatever you say." He said. We sat in his room and watched TV until Ryan fell asleep. I turned off his light and went to my room for the night.

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