16. Can't Fight Against The Youth

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Waking up next to Dallon was something I would love to do again and again and again. It would never get old.

"Morning, Bren." He said sleepily, smiling at me.

"Good morning, Dal." I responded. He leaned over and gave me a small peck before getting out of bed.

"We need to do something for Ryan today!" He shouted, pulling the blankets off of me. Oh yeah, today is his birthday!

"Surprise party?" He asked, pulling on a pair of my jeans. I nodded and got out of bed to get dressed.

"Great. We don't have to start getting ready now, but we definitely need to plan." He stated.

"Wanna plan over lunch?" I asked, pulling my shirt over my head.

"Yes please. I'm starving!" He laughed. I took his hand and led him to my car.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked. He shrugged and got in the car. Well that helps, Dal!


We decided that we were going to need a little help, so we called some friends of ours and got them out of school.

"Okay so we're going to have a normal party, but it's all for Ry. We need everyone to gather some supplies, streamers, alcohol, and a cake." Dallon explained.

"We can't make my house a total mess, so I'll need a clean up crew. Jon, you and Dallon are going to help me clean tomorrow morning. Spencer, you and Pete are in charge of making sure everyone goes home safely. No drunk driving," I instructed. "Everyone's here to have to have a good time. Just because you have a job, doesn't mean you can't have fun." They all agreed and discussed what they were bringing to the party.

"Let's get started!" I shouted and pushed the guys out to their cars. Dallon and I are going to party proof the house while they're gone.

"Pictures, vases, anything that can easily be ruined." I said and split up with him. We started stacking valuable items in the basement, getting distracted here and there.

"Damn, I need to stop following you. I can't stop staring at your ass." Dallon mumbled under his breath, making me blush. I turned around and smacked his arm playfully and went back up the stairs.

"Hey! It's not my fault that you have a nice ass!" He shouted, chasing after me. I ran over and opened the back door quickly. He followed me outside and tackled me to the ground.

"Slow down, Bren. I want to compliment you." He whispered, leaving small kisses on my neck.

"Compliment me or feel me up?" I questioned in a sarcastic tone.

"A little bit of both." He mumbled. I felt his hand on my thigh, his thumb rubbing small patterns on my leg. I closed my eyes and let him do whatever he felt like doing. We have time, right?


"We got all of- woah! Hey there, guys!" Spencer yelled from the doorway. Dallon jumped off of me, startled.

"Where do we put the stuff?" Pete asked, holding some bags in his hands.

"Kitchen." I said, getting up from my spot. Dallon copied my actions and ran inside. I walked in a moment after him.

"What's up with him?" Spencer asked.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, unsure of what he was talking about.

"Dallon. He ran up to your room and slammed the door. He looked panicked." He shrugged, looking over to see if Jon had pulled in.

"Oh. I'll go check on him. Tell Jon to put everything in the kitchen and I'll be down to help you guys set up." I said and left him to finish getting everything inside. I ran up the stairs and knocked on the door. He didn't say anything, so I just walked in and closed the door behind me.

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