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|may 2015, age 18|

it was two weeks until prom and the main thing on lily's mind was after prom.

justin wanted to go that far, but lily wasn't sure. she always pictured her first time as something special with someone she loved. but honestly, lily didn't think justin was the one.

she needed to find the link to her zelda.

or the link to her saria because that was her first otp.

justin didn't seem like her link though. he seemed like her midos, which wasn't good honestly. but he had some redeeming qualities. like how midios told link how to get to the lost forest to find saria.

there was just one person who would know something on the topic.

so lily called this person up and waited for this person to pick up.

"what do you want?" ah yay someone did pick up.

"um, colleen i have an awkward question..."

"when is anything you do not awkward i mean-"

"are you a virgin?" lily cut her off.

it took colleen a few good seconds to answer, "why?"

"because colleen, i don't know what to do. i'm confused and kinda terrified and for once i need you to just help me with something real. isn't that was big sisters are for?"

"i'll be over in twenty minutes."

colleen just lived right outside town, so we home on some weekends and all holidays. unlike noah who traveled from eroupe, to japan, to australia, and everywhere else.

in just over twenty minutes, colleen had arrived.

"so why the hell are you talking about virginity to me." she spat the second she walked in the house.

"well, i have this boyfriend..." and lily told her sister about the situation she was in.

"oh my... well i lost my virginity when i was your age actually." she mumbled. "but i'm still with the guy so.."

"since when do you have a boyfriend?!"

"wow we need to hang out more. but i honestly think if you don't love him or anything, just say no."

"thanks colleen." lily smiled shyly. "hey, do you wanna go get some pizza or something?"

colleen smiled as if she had been awaiting that question for years. "of course."

and for once, lily felt like she had a sister.


"no and then the sum of the two would equal the same as the numbers divided by seven and-"

"oh my gosh michael this legit makes no sense how is this easy to you?" lily sighed. michael had tried tutoring lily since she was falling behind in math, and michael was in a more advanced math.

"alright, say you have seven green rupes, and ten red ones. but you buy a set of ten deku nuts. divide the red rupes and the green rupes and add that and how much you spent on the deku nuts and there's your answer."

"yeah... still don't get it."

"oh c'mon lil, you can do this."

lily rolled her eyes, "i just... i cant think straight and all this voodo division isn't helping."

"so, what's on your mind?"he asked.

"first of all, you sound like facebook. second of all, it's that thing with justin. after prom i'll be able to get this gibberish because my mind will be clear."

"you have a test friday, you can't wait until after prom."

"ugh fine! the answer is eighty i think."

"okay well that's correct." michael smiled.

after a while lily started to catch on a bit, but she still wasn't ready for her test. so every day that week michael would help lily on her math, and lily would help michael with his latin. of course, study sessions would end in a round of video games.

on friday lily passed her test with a solid b, which she was super happy about.

as lily was getting her lunchbag from her locker she was approached by justin whom she gave a quick kiss to.

"so... what color is your prom dress?"

"uh it's kinda like a purple color." she shrugged.

"you should show me ya know."

"nah, i like the element of surprise."

lily could tell by his face justin had a mental face palm moment, "so that's why you don't send pictures."

"are we still talking about the dress or...?"

"you know what i'm talking about,"

"okay then... i'll see you later." lily said slipping away from the conversation and over the where her and michael eat in the cafeteria.

"so have you talked to samantha about prom yet?" lily asked michael, who was already eating his cafeteria pizza.

"yeah, she has some friends going stag so she might meet up with them for a while, which is fine. but yeah i mean it'll be cool." he shrugged.

well at least someone would have a good time she thought.


i just found the perfect song for this fic kinda sorta

but that'll be named later like at the epilogue which is coming sooner than you think ooooo

i bet y'all are gonna predict exactly what will happen at prom

unless I'm just trolling and something totaly different will happen

but won't happen unless i have an amazing idea in my dream tonight

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