The car ride was silent and I was staring out of the window while Ashton was texting someone the whole time. I wanted to go back to my hotel room and cry and fall asleep while listening to sad music, but instead I had to get out of the car and into a club, where a lot of people were dancing and drinking and smoking. Ashton seemed a little bit more relaxed now and I was glad that he did. He had no idea in how much trouble I had brought them, and I didn't know as well.

Ashton led me upstairs to a part of the club that said "VIP only". He quickly talked to the bodyguard that was standing in front of the entrance and only a few seconds later we got in.

This part of the club wasn't half as messy as what we've seen downstairs and I was glad about that. It was still quite big and a lot of people were here, but there was enough space to breathe. We went straight to one of the many booths and I could make out Calum and Michael sitting there, talking to some girls that were with them. They all had half empty drinks in their hands and I desperately wanted to go back to the hotel.

"Freya! Nice to see you here!" Michael smiled, seeming somehow relieved that we sat down next to him. He was already kind of drunk.

"Yeah, very nice." I said, looking around the club in hope to see Luke somewhere. The girls that were sitting with us eyed me suspiciously and I felt super weird in my extremely casual clothes. They all wore short dresses and had nice cleavages and lipstick on and high heels, and Calum seemed to enjoy that. He was flirting with all of them (they were three) as if his life was depending on it.

Michael sighed loudly before waving at a waitress. "Bring us a bottle of tequila and lots of lemons and salt please. And three shot glasses."

I gave him a questioning look as the waitress left only to bring the order a few minutes later.

"Freya, Ashton, let's get drunk" Michael said, filling the three glasses with the tequila.

"No, I'm not going to drink." I said, incredibly annoyed at how this turned out. "I'm here to talk to Luke and then I will leave again."

"Well, honey, better drink something because you won't like what you'll see." Michael chuckled, licking his hand and putting some salt on it.

"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling my heartbeat rise a little. He just pointed towards the bar, where I finally saw Luke. And he was violently making out with a blonde girl, his hands roaming all over her tiny body, her dress already up to her hips. They were basically about to have sex in the middle of this club and I felt my heart sink.

"Give me the fucking tequila." I whispered, my eyes not leaving the scene that was happening just a few feet away from me.

Ashton looked at me with worried eyes. "Do you want to go back to the hotel?"

"No. Now that I'm here, I'll stay. Now how do I drink this shit with the salt and stuff?" I asked, my voice shaking a little. I tried to stay calm but my eyes wandered to Luke and the girl every two seconds. She was now grinding on him and I was about to throw up.

"You lick your hand a lil and put the salt on there. And before you down your shot you lick it off, then you drink the tequila and afterwards you eat a piece of lemon."

I nodded and followed Michael's instruction, trying not to cough as I felt the liquid burning down my throat. It didn't even taste that bad, the salt and the lemon made it taste quite good even.

"Oh, Calum's getting it, too tonight" Ashton giggled, making both Michael and me look towards the dark haired boy. He was making out with two girls simultaneously, either one sitting on one of his legs. The third girl disappeared at some point and we all didn't notice.

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