August 14, 2025

318 15 14

I don't know how to warn you about this without spoiling it. There is just pretty gory and detailed parts to this. I'm sorry in advance. Please don't kill me!!!

Alex's P.O.V.

"Bye, love," I felt Scott kiss my cheek as he gathered his keys and phone to leave. He picked Noah and Toby up into his arms, one resting on either one of his hips. I smiled at him, placing the plate that I had in my hands down on the counter.

"When will you be home?" I asked. He scrunched up his nose and shrugged a little.

"We're trying to finish two arrangements and one recording today so we can get to filming the video with the kids on Saturday. Jonathan wants that video out by next week so we can announce the pre order date so it's kind of getting to be a rush. So it could be late. I'll text you though if I'm early and we can all go out to dinner." He said. I nodded, leaning in and kissing him quickly.

"I love you." I whispered. I watched as the twins made a face of disgust at our show of affection. Chuckling a little as Scott rolled his eyes, dramatically.

"I love you too. You boys be good for your dad. Jessica is at soccer until two and then she's at a friends until six. Don't forget to pick her up." Scott told me.

I nodded, watching as the twins pecked Scott on either cheek. "Bye daddy," they chorused as he let them slide down to the ground.

As soon as Scott left the boys went running outside to play on the green in front of our house. I could hear them as they played with the other kids that lived near, possibly kicking a ball around. Meanwhile, I set out the school books on the table and began to label and cover them. I couldn't believe that they were going back to school in two weeks. The summer had flown.

I began to set out food for lunch when I heard the front door fly open. "Dad!!!" Noah was stood in the doorway, motioning me outside. I sighed, dropping what I was doing when I heard a cry. I walked outside to see Toby sat on the green holding his knee, tears streaming down his face. A crowd of kids stood around him and I broke through them to crouch by his side.

"What happened?" I asked, wiping the tears off of his face. He sniffled a little as I began to roll up his pant leg to reveal a bleeding cut.

"I f-fell off the wall." Toby's bottom lip quivered as I lifted him into my arms and began to walk towards our house. I carried him to the bathroom, hearing the kids begin to play again and sat Toby down on the toilet seat. I grabbed the first aid box and opened it.

"What have I told you about jumping off of that wall? It's dangerous and you shouldn't do it... You're lucky that none of you kids have hurt yourselves before this." I placed a band aid over the cut and gently kissed it better.

"But daddy does it with all of us and he catches us." Toby stated. I rolled my eyes and silently cursed Scott in my head. He could be such a child when he wanted to.

"Yeah, but daddy wasn't out there to catch you was he? He can't catch you from all the way down in the studio can he?" I asked. Toby shook his head.

"But you always say he's got noodle arms." I chuckled a little at him.

"You're funny, little one. Now, do you want to go back-" I was cut off by the screeching of rubber against Tarmac, followed by the clatter of metal against stone, followed by a thud that made the ground shake, followed by the most blood curdling scream I had ever heard in my life. Then silence, heavy silence. I felt my eyes go wide as I stood.

"Wait here...." I told Toby, running down the hall and out the front door. My eyes found the source of the sound, a car. It had crashed into the wall in front of our house, just by the road. Steam arose from its bonnet, the whole passenger side completely crushed. I watched as a crowd of the kids stood around the front of the car, a man emerging from the drivers side, his hands over his mouth, his eyes wide. Staring at the ground. The whole group was looking at something that I couldn't see. Their faces were etched with horror, fear, terror.

"Noah?" I called, trying to get him in and away from the scene but I was only responded by all the kids looking up. I scanned my eyes over all of their faces and couldn't find the one that belonged to the boy I was looking for. I walked forward, closer to the scene, my heart beginning to race. Through a gap in the crowd I saw a body, small, short, blonde hair, blood everywhere. "Noah?" I called again as I got closer and the group began to part. My heart in my throat. My hands beginning to sweat. I walked more cautiously as the whole scene came into view.

My eyes fell on the body on the ground, arm at a weird angle, leg going the wrong way, blood trickling from their mouth. I felt my knees give way as I fell to his side, my hands moving to his neck. No pulse. My eyes fell on his face. His eyes were closed, his face soft and I knew it was him. I knew it was Noah.

"Noah!" I gently shook his body but he was unresponsive. "Fuck!" I pressed my two hands against his chest and began to pump up and down. Trying to get his heart to start. "Noah!" He was still unresponsive. I shook him again, his body flimsy in my arms, more blood flowing from his mouth, now like a fountain. I pressed my hands to his chest again, pumping as hard as I could. Wishing. Willing. "Noah! Please wake up! Noah!" Hoping that he would breathe and sit up and tell me he was okay. But he was motionless.

I now became aware of my surroundings. A woman, stood by my shoulder, phone in hand, talking. The man stood by the car, still in shock, his hands covering his mouth. The crowd of kids, being ushered into houses by parents. A siren in the distance as my hands moved to Noah's chest again. My hands, covered in blood, that was starting to dry. A child stood by the door of our house. Tears streaming down his face as he watched the scene play out before him.

"Dad! Why is he not waking up? Why are you crying? What's happening?" His voice didn't register in my brain. A man moving to his side and escorting him to our house again. A woman's hand on my shoulder as the sirens got louder. I shook his body again, wishing, willing, hoping. Nothing.

Then I was being pushed away, someone holding me down as I kicked and screamed and tried to help. Tears falling freely from my eyes, blurring my vision. My breathing heavy. The man by the car being checked over. Voices by Noah's body. "One, two, three, clear." A shock. Nothing. Motionless.

I wished I was anywhere but there at that very moment. I wished I had called them in for lunch. I wished Scott was home and had caught Toby from the wall. I wished they were filming today instead of Saturday. I wished that I had taken them out somewhere. I wished that that car hadn't driven by at that moment.

I reached out to help but a paramedic stood over me, holding me down. The woman with the phone coming to my side. She gently took my phone from my pocket and searched through my contacts. I only now recognised her, a neighbour, who knew us, who knew Scott.

I heard his voice come through the phone. "Hello my lovely." I felt my heart drop, my senses cutting out. Noah was now being lifted onto a stretcher. Into an ambulance, still shocking him. His body still motionless. The woman with the phone explained and I heard the line go silent and then it was given back to me.

"Noah! Bring him back! Don't take him!" I screamed, shoving the paramedic to the side and running towards the ambulance. In the back as the doors began to close and someone reassured me that they would look after Toby but I didn't care. Everything was going too quickly. My head spinning. My eyes blurry. Suddenly my hearing cut out and I felt myself falling. Before everything turned black and I fell into a deep dark pit of darkness.

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