May, 2025

311 21 14

Scott's P.O.V.

"This is as fair as you guys can go." I heard Kevin say to his kids as we walked up to security in the airport. I turned to Alex and the kids and noticed the tears in Jessica's eyes. She ran forward and hugged me tightly. I picked her up into my arms and held her close to my chest.

"Hey, you've done this before. We're only gone for four weeks and I'll Skype you guys every night. Then you can come out to Paris and stay with us for a while and then I'll be home." I said, brushing her hair out of her eyes with my hand. She nodded and wiped the tears from her face.

"I'll miss you." She said, hugging me again.

"I'll miss you too." I said and then let her fall back to the ground. I was soon immediately greeted by two smaller bodies crashing into my legs.
The boys held onto either one of my legs tightly and I smiled, kissing both of their heads. "Be good, boys. Do your homework and don't reek havoc for your dad." I warned, ruffling their hair and then turning to Alex.

I hugged him tightly. "Have a good time." He whispered.

"I will. Call me whenever, okay? I don't care about timezones." I whispered, leaning back and kissing him tenderly. I broke away and smiled as he nodded.

I turned back to the kids and crouched down to their level, giving them a group hug. I then stood and turned back to the group of everyone else who were more than less done with saying goodbye to everyone. I joined Mitch in the group and we began to go through security.

"Have you got any liquids or cosmetics in your bags?" The security man said and I shook my head. "Any iPads or laptops?" I took out my iPad and laptop and placed them in the tray and then emptied my pockets and waited to go through the metal detector. I walked through and collected myself and then waited for the others.

"Bye daddy!" I heard, making me turn to see the three kids waving from where we left them. I waved back and then we walked through.


Tour went on pretty quickly. We did a show nearly every night and we explored a load of Europe. Which was always the best! Europe was so beautiful! I skyped home most days.

I sat in my bunk, laptop sat on my legs. I had just finished editing this weeks SuperFruit and was now waiting for someone to answer my Skype call. It was a Saturday and we were somewhere between Holland and Germany.

I suddenly heard the click of the answer tone and looked at the screen. "Daddy!" I heard three voices chorus at once. I smiled at the screen.

"Hey guys!" I greeted, watching as Alex came into frame in the background. He waved and smiled cheekily, knowing that we would talk in a bit. "How are you guys?!" I asked, sitting up as much as I could in my bunk.

"Good!" They all said at the same time.

"Oh I have something to tell you!" Noah said, excitedly. I nodded, urging him on. "We're doing a show in school and I got the main part!" He said, jumping up and down in his seat.

"That's great Noah! What show is it?" I asked, turning my head when I heard someone pass. It was Avi.

"Hi guys!" He said waving and smiling up at them and then climbing into the bunk under mine. They all waved back and then Noah continued.

"Um... Charlie and the chocolate factory. I got the part of Charlie." I felt my breath hitch in my throat. I was taken aback quite a bit. Remembering coming home and telling my mom that I had gotten the part of Charlie. All those years ago.

"That's funny, when I was eight, I got the part of Charlie in Charlie and the chocolate factory. That was the first time I met Uncle Mitch." I explained and Noah's eyes twinkled.

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