April 3, 2025

344 23 6

Alex's P.O.V.

I grabbed the boys pyjamas and returned to the bathroom where they sat splashing each other in the bath tub. I crouched down by the edge of the bath tub and held out the towels. "Come on guys. Time to get out." I told them as they stopped splashing. They looked at me and then turned back to each other. They then both, at the same time, splashed water directly at my face.

I fell back onto my ass, holding my hands up in front of my face for protection. I could here the boys laughing loudly. I took my hands down from my face and glared at them. I could see them try so very hard to stop laughing but they just cracked up again. Snickering behind their attempted straight faces. "You boys are mental!" I teased, wiping off my face. I then proceeded to wrap them in towels.

"I'm home!" I heard Scott call as he slammed the front door. The boys faces lit up and they smiled brightly.

"Daddy!" They squealed trying to free themselves from my grasp. I held them bolt still, sitting in front of the doorway so they couldn't get out.

"Hey, no, no, no. You have to put on your pjs before you can go downstairs." I told them, handing them both a pair of pyjamas. They both sighed but took them and began to dress themselves. I smiled at the sound of Scott's footsteps in the stairs.

"Jess, how's my girl?" I heard him ask from the hallway. I could hear him hold up a conversation with Jessica about her day and what we had done. I really wanted a hug! I helped the boys button their pyjamas to the top and then turned to see Scott in the doorway. "Oh! Are the boys going to bed?" He asked. He looked slightly sad, wanting to spend time with the boys before they had to go to bed.

I began to stand, both of them still in my grasp and lifted them with me. One on each hip. I tended to do that a lot, I know I shouldn't because it makes them too dependant or something but they weren't heavy and I truly didn't want them to grow up just yet. "We don't want to go to bed, daddy!" Toby complained. He pouted his bottom lip and gave Scott puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah, can we stay up a little longer and you can tell us stories and sing to us? We promise we'll go to bed extra early tomorrow!" Noah added. Scott smiled at me and then at the boys and I nodded a little, letting them slip to the ground. They squealed and ran off down stairs to the sitting room with their sister.

I breathed, my attention drawing to Scott. "I missed you today! I don't know why but I did!" I whispered, walking into Scott's arms. I felt his warmth surround me and I immediately relaxed. "You were literally gone for twelve hours. I'm a mess." I stated as he giggled a little.

"I missed you too. We talked about tour today, I think that's why." Scott whispered, kissing my head. I leant back a bit, still in his arms but now I could see his face.

"Tour? Are you excited?" I asked. He smiled and kissed me briefly, sending my head swimming.

"Not to be away from you guys but yeah, I am. It's a different way of life, which I do enjoy. School ends for summer about half way through and you guys can come out! I think we're in Paris then." He said, biting his bottom lip and wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed.

"Oooohhh! Romantic! God, I love having kids but I miss the alone time." I whispered, leaning into his ear. I felt him shiver as my breath travelled down his neck. I've still got it!

"It's Friday tomorrow! I could ask Mitch he'd have the kids for tomorrow night if you like. We can go out for dinner and come back for dessert." Scott whispered, keeping his voice low. I gasped at him and then laughed.

"That sounds nice." I whispered, pressing my lips to his neck. I leant back again and smiled. He winked at me and smirked.

"Dad! Come on!"

My Saving Grace (book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora