June 8, 2025

312 23 11

Scott's P.O.V.

I began to set the camera up on its tripod. Ready to film another episode of SuperFruit. "Come on, Toby. You have to come on camera." Noah whined, pulling his brother away from Mitch's new cat. Wyatt had died a couple months back which was really sad. Mitch had gotten a new cat though, she was called Aphrodite. And Toby adored her.

"I don't wanna, Noah." Toby whined, running to the other side of Mitch's living room. I watched as Mitch looked at them inquisitively, like a puppy that had its head tilted to the side. Noah ran after Toby and grabbed his waist.

"Yeah, but what's a twin without his other half." Noah said, trying to drag Toby back to the couch. Toby dug his heals into the ground though. He shook his head violently, making me laugh. I knew one of them would give up before long so it was no point to try and break them apart.

"A half a set of twins. Now let me go or I'll use big words that you don't understand." Toby said, confidently. I felt Mitch shift a little beside me and turned to see that he was deep in thought.

"Try me!" Noah challenged, standing up straight to look Toby dead in the eyes.

"Contradict." Toby said, Noah stood his ground though. "Onomatopoeia." Toby said, making Noah step back a bit. "Pachyderms." Noah stepped back even more.

"Pach-o-derms." Both Mitch and I said together, laughing. Noah turned to glare at us.

"Fine, I give up." Noah said, putting his hands up in the air. Toby smirked and ran off into the kitchen where Seb was. I turned back to Mitch who looked deep in thought again.

"Are you alright? You seem a little distant." I asked. He looked at me and then turned to see Noah looking at us with a deep amount of interest in his eyes.

"Noah, can you go and ask Seb if he needs you to do anything?" I told him. He looked at me, frowning a little.

"But I thought..." He began.

"Yeah we will film but Uncle Mitch and I have to get questions off of Twitter first. Ask Seb if he needs you to do the drying up." I said and he nodded, running out towards the kitchen. I turned back to Mitch and raised my eyebrows as if to get him to continue.

"I'm scared." He whispered. I felt my heart stop for a millisecond. A million and one scenarios popping into my mind of what Mitch could possibly be scared of. I put them to the side of my mind and let myself think clearly before speaking.

"What are you scared of? Is there something going on that I don't know about because I swear to god-"

"No, Scott. Everything's fine. I'm just- I'm marrying him and I'm scared. I love him, yeah but the prospect of marrying someone terrifies me. And he wants kids and I'm terrified. Don't get me wrong. I want kids too but what if-" Mitch stopped himself.

"What if what, Mitch?" I asked. He looked away from me for a second.

"What if I'm not good enough?" He asked. I immediately wrapped him in my arms. Sighing in relief that it wasn't anything crazy that my mind was thinking of.

"Mitchy, of course you'll be good enough. Yeah, you might mess some things up, like diaper changes or feeding them milk and then realising they are lactose intolerant and have to take them to the emergency room but we've all been there. Trust me, I'm still learning and I've had three kids for nine years. When I was twenty one the thought of having kids never crossed my mind but now thirteen years later, I couldn't imagine my life without them." I explained.

"But you're a great father. What if I forget them in a shop? Or if I accidentally-" Mitch started to ramble.

"Mitch, you are going to be an amazing father. And it's okay that it terrifies you! I don't think you'd be human if it didn't." I stated. He nodded and broke away from my hug.

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