Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Standing on her tip toes at the parapet, trying her hardest to peep over the edges, she could hear and occasionally watch as her friends below all giggled and chased each other back to the village. But she was not allowed out of the Keep. Da had said so, and if Da said so then it must be so. Technically she was not even allowed on the parapet, but she knew in this at least, her Da would let her off. If she had snuck out to be with her friends, then she would have been in for a world of pain. But stamping her small foot on the smooth walkway, she bunched her fists together, 'it was just not fair'.

Aye, he Da got her lots of pretty dresses, more than all of the others girls in the village had put together. He also made sure she had every available possession that she could possibly fit into her room for both looking after herself or to play with. But at the end of the day all she wished was for her Da to look at her and want to hold her. Or allow her to play with her friends when they wanted to play near their homes, instead of in the Keep itself. For while there were lots of fun places to explore, it did not mean that her friends always wanted to do that. Or be with her there. They had fun chasing each other all over the valley, while she just had to stay here...alone. Unless she had lessons with Isla on how to be the lady of the keep. But she was only six summers old and Isla really was boring and bossy.

And Isla was always telling her off for something. Her Da never told her off, not that she was much in his company for him to do so, but every time she saw him, he had something new for her. So did it really matter that Isla thought she was a disappointment, if her Da thought so then he would not bring her so many things. She just wished that he would let her out. He let Cam go wherever he wanted. Camdyn always got to do whatever he wanted. Even today he had gone out with Hamish and the twins just after their break of fast and he still was not back as they neared the evening meal. She had no idea what he did, but it had to be better than watching your friends have fun without you, even if it was dirty, smelly boy things they did when out of the Keep.

Falling back to the full sole of her feet, she sighed heavily, her shoulders shaking with the heave she made. Her bottom lip jutting out fully as she thought of what fun they would be having, as she scuffed her soft souled foot against the wall of the parapet. Spinning in a huff, she threw her back against the wall and slid down until hit the floor. Her arms folded firmly over her chest as her knees came up for her to lean her chin on.

"Larena, you will be the death of me girl. Come along." Moving her head so her cheek rested on her knees instead, watching Isla approach from under her lashes. Heaving another shoulder shuddering sigh. Of course Isla had found her now her friends had gone. She was not allowed any fun, was she? In her whiniest voice, as she knew it would annoy Isla, causing that little tick to appear near her eye, that was funny, she replied. "Why, Isla, why can't I just go and play?"

Isla stood a few steps away, hands on her hips as usual, scowl upon her face. Isla did smile occasionally, but Larena had never seen it directed at her. "'Cause young lady, you have things to learn and if your mother was here then she would be teaching you. But God rest her soul," Isla made the sign of the cross at the same time as her words. "She is not here with you, as she should be. Which means the duty of showing you what you are need to do falls to me. I know you would rather be with your friends right now, but unfortunately your Da has said you cannot be, therefore you can come with me and spend time learning what you need to be the lady of this Keep. Until your brother marries, of course."

Larena screwed up her face, who would ever want to marry Cam. He was mean and always wanted to fight, coming home covered in mud and other smelly things. But that was not what Larena took exception too. "I don't want to be the lady of the Keep." Because that meant she was not allowed out of the Keep with her friends. They were not meant to be ladies and they got to do lots more fun things than she ever did.

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