Chapter 1

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I woke up completely exhausted. Last night I didn't get any sleep at all because I had so much anxiety of being killed in my sleep. Ever since I turned 18, hunters have been trying more and more to kill me. The last 3 nights I've been to stressed out to even try to sleep. So most of the night I just spend time in the woods looking for other werewolves. My parents could care less where I was all the time. They didn't really care about me at all. Only their real kids. It didn't really help that I looked nothing like them. I had brown hair and grey eyes and was somewhat tall. All of my other "family" had blonde hair and brown eyes and were super short. They all went by the last name Currin, but I still kept my last name of Hale. I had a little sister named Alex who was 16 and a sophomore. A little brother named Tyler who was in 7th grade, and a little sister named Lily who was in 2nd grade. Alex was never around, Tyler sometimes talked to me, only because I was the only other boy in the house. And Lily was always asking me questions that involved me looking absolutely nothing like the rest of my family. I'm currently a Senior at Naperville high school in California. I realise that I should probably get up to go to school. I get ready and walk out the door and get in the car and drive to school. I barely stay awake at school and by the time the 3:00 bell rings I'm about to pass out. I drive back home and walk upstairs into my room and start my homework but fall asleep before I can even finish one subject. I wake up and look at the clock. It reads 1:30 am. I'm not tired so I decide to go out. I quietly open the window and sneak out. I do a flip of the roof and land, eyes glowing red. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the fact that I can turn into a full wolf, that's why hunters really want to kill me. But when I'm a regular werewolf, I can only get claws, fangs, and my eyes glowing. For some reason I don't grow any sort of facial hair like normal werewolves do, but then again... I'm not normal

I'm running through the woods when I stop and hear a quiet sound of an arrow being shot. I track it and catch it right before it hits my face. I drop the arrow and start running as fast as I can. I know that I'm was ahead of the hunters so I stop and hide behind a tree to catch my breath. I'm there for about 30 seconds when I see a light mist coming out of the tree. It's too late before I realise that it's wolfsbane. I'm on my knees coughing a ton when I see a hunter approach me. "Who... who are you." I manage to get out. He doesn't say anything, but right as I start to get up, he reaches his hand out revealing a tazer and I'm in agonising pain screaming out loud. That's the last thing I remember before I black out.

Sorry for a short chapter but I'm just starting out and this is my first story. I'll try to update 2-3 times a week. I'll introduce the other main teen wolf characters soon don't worry!

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