She walked out and Leo quickly took her by the arm, taking her outside.

"Walk with me."

"Like I have a choice."

"Will you stop it?! You're acting like a child and you need to stop!"

Andy looked away.

"You're making things so much more difficult than you should be. Now you're going to marry him and you're going to get your act together. Stop acting like a little kid and act accordingly, mom didn't raise you to be like this and I would appreciate it if you remembered that. Now get yourself together and go up there and apologize. You have two days until the engagement party and people are expecting you two to be in love so I suggest knowing as much about him as you can before then or at least pretend, now do you understand me?"

Andy nodded, but that wasn't good enough for Leo.

"Answer me."

"Yes Sir."

"Good, give yourself a minute and then go back up there like I asked you too."

"Yes Sir."

With that Leo walked away feeling sick to his stomach because he had never spoken to his sister like that. He had suddenly turned into his father and that made him hate himself, but Andy needed to stop acting like a child and get the idea that she was going to be married in less than two weeks' time.

Andy took a couple minutes to herself and walked around the block before going back into the house. She had gotten her heart to stop hurting and the tears to finally stop before she made her way into the house and made her way upstairs.

Austin was in his room, on his computer when Andy knocked on his door, but never made a move to go inside and she wasn't about to go in.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have spoken to you like that and I promise to behave from here on out."

"I just wanted to talk."

"I know and I'm sorry."

Austin nodded, going back to looking at his computer screen.

"As you know we have the engagement party on Friday, but before then we need to take you shopping, so tomorrow we'll head out to some of the stores. You'll need to wear comfortable shoes, but look decent. Thursday we have our first class with the priest who will be marrying us and after I have my tux fitting which I would like to have your opinion on. We'll have lunch and dinner together accordingly, where you can ask me anything you'd like. Here is the schedule for the upcoming days."

Austin then held out a piece of paper for her to take. Andy walked into the room and took the paper, looking down at it.

"Dance lesson's?"


Andy could sense his resistance to talk to her, but she understood it and for some reason it made her sad that she had done that to him.

"I'm sorry again, good night."

"Good night."

Andy turned then and walked back towards her room, feeling the tears again.

Austin watched her walk away feeling sick to his stomach that he was so cold with her, but she had disappointed him. He really thought she would be more willing, but it seemed he would have to be hard on her and strict, something he really didn't want to do.

In the morning, Andy got up early with Vivian and made breakfast for everyone then took care of the baby so Vivian could take a shower. Austin and Leo left early as well to tend to the farm, with Leo heading to the office and Andy was to meet him there.

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