how my books are connected

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All my books are apart of the WWE series (world war extinction)

This means they are all based in the same reality, same Universe only each and every one of them are about diffrent main characters stories from THE HUNT, THE WHITE WOLF TRILOGY to HEART OF FIRE and THE HOW TO books.

Keep in mind though some storys are based in diffrent time periods.

IN THESE BOOKS HUMANS DO NOT KNOW ABOUT THE EXISTENTS OF THE SUPERNATURAL. Apart from very high up government officials and the few members of the public that have seen things, this is why I have normal Comady romances with no supernatural involvement.

The reason I chose these characters stories out of the whole world and what makes the people in the books unique -

all the main characters and some Less significant characters in the books are tied to one another, either by family relation to fighting front line in the greatest war of all time or even just making the tiniest difference which changed the war significantly with out the character realising. (HOW TO BOOKS, HEART OF FIRE, FIGHT LIKE A GUY FOR THE GIRLS, LIAR, FUNNY GIRL, ATTACK OF THE GUMMY BEARS, DEVASTATION)

All but one book (HEART OF FIRE) in the short list above are non supernatural books, and not all are romance, if interested just go to my profile and have a read over the list and bio's to see what you would prefer.

REMEMBER! Just because the WWE books are connected in small ways, this does NOT mean they are a trilogy or ongoing series that you have to read every single one. You can pick and choose what you would like to read in what ever order you wish.

The books have no other connection to each other, you don't need to read another book to understand one. nearly every character in these books do not know eachother! They are just based on the same world in the same reality, say in one of the supernatural books like (here's a riddle) there may be something been reported on the news in that book that is also been reported in the news in another book say - (funny girl)

Most books are set in the 21st century however the time periods of the books range from 10,000BC time period for example till the year 3055.

Historical events listed below

10,000BC is where Angels began their existence. Books based in this time line are :

300 A.D is when were-shifted came in to exsistance through curse of the sun and nature. Books based in this timeline are luna.

700 A.D is when the first lycan was created by a dark wicken and were-shifter seekong revenge. Books based in this time period are : Pernicious

800 A.D is the time period when dragons still excited till their final extinction in the 14th century. Human in this time period knew of the exsistance of the supernatral but largly only knew them as beasts and monsters.
Books based in 800 A.D are - Dragons eye

1850 - 2035 during this time period most human are unaware of the existence of the supernatral aside from secret government organisations that monitor the supernatural. Books in this time period are : funny girl, how too series,

2025 - 2035 the human organazion called (name) developed and released a virus called (name) in the hopes to decrease the ever rising population of were-creatures globaly. Books in this time period are :

2040 - 2043 decoration of war between many of the supernatral comunity and human kind. (name) released more genetically engineered viral weapons to with potential to wipe out supernatural species. Books based in this time line are : WWE

2043 -  global earth quakes as the realms collapse in to one another and the evolution of the (name) virus spread causeing havac to not only the supernatural world but also the humans. books in this time period are : Devastation

2052 - 2056 the extinction of the human race. Books in this timer period are : (slave)

3014 - 3055 The dust has settled and new world order has began, the surviving species of the war between humans and supernatrals have now rebuilt and are flourishing. Books based in this time period are : The Hunt,

3055 - human species have conm back in to exsistance. Books in this period are : The Last One,

Any other questions on the subjects above please just send me a message or comment, no need to like this unless you found it really informative and just feel like giving me a mega thumbs up haha ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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