Authors Note

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Hello, wonderful followers. First of all, I finished this! It took me four months and I have had non stop support over that time. I really want to thank you guys for all your support; voting, following, commenting, etc and I really, really love you guys for it.

You have all giving me such nice Comments and have always been the most helpful and respectful followers an Irish girl could have asked for.

So, this question has been going in my mind since at least Chapter 20. Should I do a sequel to this? Like, do ye want one? If you do, I will. But, I need at least 5 of you to Comment for one, if not, then you have to wait until I decide if I want to do one. But, please let me know on that.

I will put up another one of these on this, if there will be a Sequel or whatever. Also, you have all been SO sweet to me, my whole time with this and I want you all to know I am so proud to call ye "My Followers," and I am not lying, that is a fact.

Can ye keep on Voting, I want to get a big number of Votes and Comments on this, I would really like this to get big. Can ye also Comment rate this out of 10 and dont go like 0 or 1, that would upset me, because I dont think its that bad, so please do an honest rate. Thank you.

So, thank you all for reading this and I will let you know if there is a Sequel and if there is I will give you information on it, you know.

Note: I really appreciate all you do for me in every way, so thank you all and remember you have to COMMENT if you want a Sequel or not, I am NOT DOING one if I get less then 5 COMMENTS, not 5 VOTES, 5 COMMENTS. So please get Commenting. Thank you all.


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