-Goodbyes and Separation [Chapter Nineteen]

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Lauren's POV; a few days later:

A twisted ankle, three broken ribs and a bruising to my face and most of body.

Some would say, I got it pretty hard but to be honest, I think I got lucky.

I never fully appreciated my life until I heard I was in a coma and I could of died. It had me kind of wake up and realise that life is short and needs to be lived to the fullest.

I needed to spend time with the people I care about the most; my family, Georgia, Nicole, Geoff, the boys. People that make me happy instead of wasting time on bitches like Diana.

Yesterday was pretty boring. I was in the hospital all day getting final checks over my injuries before I could get the all clear to get discharged.

Everyone took to me nearly dying nowhere near the way I expected.

Dad has been really emotional around me. He's saying about how he needed to stop being selfish and spend more time with me, seen as I could of died then and there and he would live with a million regrets. It broke my heart that Dad felt this way. Honestly, he spent more time with me then Mum and shouldn't feel guilty, since I don't mind anymore.

Being in a coma kind of gave me a wake up call, I needed to stop making my parents out as really bad guys, because let's face it, I have.

Yes, they have famous careers and at the end of the day, they do love and care for me so much. Mum dropping her Fashion conference just to get the nearest flight to be with me at the thought of loosing me proves it. It meant a lot to me that she did that.

Mum was being less fussy about my appearance and things that she was always touché about because of my injuries and what happened. I'm surprised she's not worried about the family image seen as my face isn't exactly the way it used to be. But then again, she probably wants the paparazzi to know this happened to me so at least maybe somebody can find the person who did this too me and get them locked out because let's face it, the police in this country are terrible.

To be honest, for the first time ever, I'm more self-conscious then ever. Well, of course anyone would, with a big scar on my left cheek and few minor ones all over my face. It made me feel so different.

I didn't want to have too explain myself to people. How do you even? Oh, you know, nearly died. Yeah.. no thanks.

Luke got a big shock after he found what happened. It was like the thought of actually loosing me was just so un-real and now that it had a chance then, he got scared. He's been really loving lately. Always giving me hugs and telling me how much he appreciates me. It was weird at first but now I think it's really cute because the truth be told, I appreciate him and don't want to leave him either.

Harry was, well, unexpectedly really upset at the news of me nearly dying. It was weird because I've always considered us having a love/hate relationship but then again at the same time, that conversation when we were watching Family Guy always kept replaying in my mind. He did care about me. He's insisting he will know where I'm going all day everyday and have Dad make sure security's tighter around me.

It was a nice gesture but really, I didn't think it was necessary seen as the person who did this too us is about as close to being found as we are at going bankrupt.

Niall; well he surprised me. As I've been told, he was the one to notice I went missing and even dragged Harry away from a girl (yes, I said that right, wow) and got the other lads to come looking for me. He had been spending every minute over the past two days with me and it was so nice because I felt so much closer to him now.

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