-Diana's Last Word [Chapter Seven]

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Lauren's POV:

My Confirmation was absolutely amazing and Georgia really enjoyed i too. She's in such good form after the party and to be honest, so am I.

I honestly thought the party was going to be the worst thing ever when in all honesty it was the best ever.

But I have to go back to reality.. nothing good lasts forever. My Confirmation was on Sunday which means school is today and honestly I am not looking forward to it..


I woke up to hear the familiar sound of my annoying alarm clock. Groaning, I turned it off.

I wasn't under the blanket, I was actually just lying on my bed. Niall had fallen asleep on the end of the bed.

I got a small blanket and put it over him. I smiled.

He is so cute when he sleeps.

I smiled, again, when he smiled.

I took my uniform from the wardrobe and went into the bathroom. I put on my white polo top, my red pants and red jumper.

In case you did not know, that is my P.E. uniform.

I put on my grey and pink high tops and tied the laces. I brushed my hair and than pulled my hair up high into a ponytail, I applied foundation on my skin to me make my face 'wake up' a bit as I didn't exactly go to bed early last night..

After that, I flicked mascara on my lashes. I was ready.

I tip toed out of the bathroom and went over to my desk and got out a page and pen and wrote:

Dear Niall,

I am off to school with Luke and Georgia. See you at three. Rest peacefully, my Mum, Dad and Victoria are at work. David is at a match in Dublin, I think. Cruz, Romeo and Brooklyn are all out with my nanny, so you and the boys are all alone.. until Luke and me get home..

Lots of Love and Cuddles Lauren xx

I left the note on the table at the other side of the bed.

I walked downstairs and made my way to the kitchen, too see my best friend Georgia waiting with my other best friend who was waiting patiently for us: food.


Georgia and I had been dropped at school and had just said goodbye to Luke and Imogen. I walked over to Nicole and Martina.

"What's going on Isabella?" Martina winked to me.

I officially hate my Confirmation name. Martina repeats it to me twenty-four seven as of yesterday afternoon.

"I do know we made our Confirmation yesterday, Martina. I remember, but you don't have to call me that. I'm still Lauren, just because I got an extra name added on, does not change anything,"

They all started laughing.

I don't know why they're laughing, it's true!


"Just, you." Martina smiled.

"Haha," I said with no enthusiasm.

They all smiled.

"So a birdie told me that the Beckhams are staying at you house," Nicole stated.

Fangirls, be everywhere.

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