-Diana's new war [Chapter Twenty-Four]

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Lauren's POV:

The last two weeks had been no where near fun. Things were now getting complicated with Diana. It was now the 20th of May and with two weeks to go until summer, I don't know how much longer I can put up with her being a constant bitch.

Today was Thursday and like other days, Diana had decided to annoy us. Arguments were happening more regularly and Georgia is really at breaking.

I awoke to the sound of my phone whistling. A text. Who on earth is texting me at 6.30 in the morning, I wondered.

From: Harry Styles(:
Morning love. Hope you have a good day and forget about Diana. She's a fool and she will soon grow up, I promise. Love you. X

I smiled slightly. Harry was constantly texting me since the call with Zayn and I was forever grateful for it because I quite honestly don't know what I would do without him.

Harry was such a sweet, genuine person. And I don't even know why it took me so long to notice. I mean I used to hate him and now I don't even understand how I could've hated him. Isn't it weird how times change?

All the boys were regular contact now they knew how much it was hurting me following my heart to heart with Zayn. Liam rings and texts everyday. Louis was forever texting and he nearly always tried to FaceTime which I found so amusing since he always does it when I'm school unintentionally because he always forgets about the time difference since I'm in Ireland and he's in America. Zayn was being in a good amount of contact too. In fact, they all were and I love every minute of it.

It's such a good feeling to have my boys back. They really are the only thing helping me get through the crisis with Diana right now and I'm 100% glad I have them.

I rubbed my eyes before typing my reply. 'Good night to you, rebel. Up at 3 am, how bold and rebellious;);) thank you! I'll try and somehow I doubt that haz! love you more xx'

I then locked my phone, leaving it on the beside table before quickly hopping into the shower and washing my hair. I roamed the shampoo through my greasy locks before I stepped out, dried myself and dried my hair. I brushed my hair before tying it up and starting my skin care routine. I quickly clensed, toned and moisturised my skin.

I through on my schools tracksuit alongside a pair of pink Nike runners. I then applied foundation to my skin and some mascara. I was ready.

I was finished breakfast twenty minutes ago. I had some pancakes and tea before I retreated to the sitting room to watch TV. I took out my phone and seen Harry had replied twenty minutes ago.

From: Harry Styles(:
I wanna stay up all night and find a girl and tell her she's the one, you see. I'm quite the rebel, you probably didn't know tho;) No problem love! Don't say that! Everything will be okay I promise, goodnight babe xx

I laughed at his stupid song reference. Typical Harry. I held my smile typing my response: 'Fascinating! Oh believe me I noticed! Night Harry sleep well xx''

I was joined by Luke ten minutes later, who was in uniform and had cereal in hand.

We watched in silence before getting ready to head to school. We got our bags and made our way to the limo. For once going to school, I was in a good, happy mood which I just hoped would last:

*             *               *              *

"Why won't you leave us alone?" Martina yelled.

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