-Luke joins the club [Chapter Twenty]

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Lauren's POV:

It had been a day. Today was Tuesday and I still haven't been to school. Not that anyone would blame me, really. I'm still sore and I'm really tired lately.

Georgia had text to see how I was and she said she returned to school today. She said I didn't really miss much, so that was okay. As along as Diana wasn't near her, I'm happy.

I sat up in the sitting room, watching the television. My appearance was quite casual; tracksuit, top, converse, minimum make up and my hair tied up.

I still can't stop thinking about the boys even though they only left yesterday. I can't help it, I've spent the past two weeks with them and got to know them. They were my brothers. And I already missed them so much.

They weren't the only ones who had to go, either. Today, Luke says goodbye to the last six members of the Manchester United team, following a week with them.

This is going to break him. He loved having them around. It's bad enough he had to say goodbye to the boys; which let me tell you, he nearly cried about; I don't think he can deal with ten goodbyes in the space of two days. He is only nine after all.

"Lauren!" My Dad's distant yell brought me back to reality.

"Yeah?" I yelled back.

"Go out and say goodbye to the United team. I think Luke could do with some support." He advised, appearing at the doorway.

He looked the same as ever with the quiff and suit, only he just looked tired. His eyes carried bags and he looked a bit drained.

Probably, all the stress with me and payments to Manchester United and the boys.

"Okay." I answered, standing up.

I hopped to the front door on my ankle and walked outside.

Luke was having his final chat with David DeGea, Wayne Rooney, Patrice Evra, Michael Carrick and Chris Smalling.

The Manchester United lads all wore their United tracksuits. DeGea's quiff and beard were just as familiar as the TV made it out to be whilst Evra's beard and tattoos were just as broad as ever. Evans had the same familiar Irish smile to him, Rooney looked just as round and friendly as usual and Smalling looked just as quiet, as always.

Luke wore an Adidas tracksuit, with a Manchester United jersey under it and a pair of trainers. He looked a bit distant, like he was trying to put on a brave face.

I walked over and stood beside Luke.

"Please, please, please don't let City win the league and please don't forget about me." He said, his voice filled with seriousness and worry.

It breaks my heart to see him like that with so much worry, at only nine.

Rooney was the first the speak. Having had children himself, I'm assuming he knows how to deal with this. "We can't guarantee we're going to stop them, Luke. I'm sorry. They're a very strong side-"

"But we're stronger!" Luke cut in.

"Maybe, maybe not. All I can say is we are going to everything we can and do our best to win, though I still don't know if we can. We won't forget you, that I know for certain."

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