-Bring it on April [Chapter Four]

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Lauren's POV; a few months later:

Months had went by and I was preparing for my Confirmation.

My Mother and Father were fussing so much to make this the biggest Confirmation of all time and simply I don't want a big party. I don't know why they're fussing? Yeah, its a big part of my life but still I couldn't care less about it.

In my eyes, the purpose of me having a Confirmation is so my parents can use the excuse so they can get drunk with their friends and get good publicity from this event with paparazzi and photographs all over the internet and magazines.

My parents go over the top with birthdays and parties anyways. It was in their nature.

My earliest memory of a party was when I was four, it was October and Luke was having his Christining, wow that party was huge, I remember being scared of the 'big people' meaning so many tall people around me. I know now that, that was probably offensive.

Anyway, my Mother had planned it all out and my Confirmation was less than a week away now and I honestly, couldn't wait for it to be over.

Victoria would be my sponsor and Isabella would be my Confirmation name after my Father's Mother. So I'll be Lauren Victoria Isabella Daley.

I know super long name, my Grandmother died when I was five, Luke didn't remember her because well he was only turned one when she died, I remember her well though.

Right now I was talking with Georgia, Martina and Nicole. I was wearing mascara with my hair tied up in a pony tail with the uniform.

I had zoned out of this conversation, even though its not my nature to not to listen even it was a boring conversation, but today was different for some reason. I don't know why. I stopped thinking and began to listen to their conversation.

"So! Our Conformation is on Sunday!" Martina smiled.

"I know!" Nicole smiled.

"So whats your Confirmation name?" Martina asked Georgia.

"Ashley, after my Auntie."


"Isabella, after my dead Grandmother."


"Anne, after my great-aunt, you?"

"Vanessa, after my Mum."

Diana and Rita entered in the gates of school and unusually came over to us.

This was weird they had a morning routine. They get a ride to school of Rita's mother and when dropped they went checking to see if Clara and Karen are here yet... if not they talk to the lads and right now there are loads of lads from 6th Class here.

I'm confused, she would only come over to talk if she was going to cause trouble which means..

"Whats up?" Rita said not caring what she sounded like.

Diana looked at her with her face 'why are you being so weird?'

"So Confirmation on Sunday," She fake smiled.

We all nodded.

"So Nicole, what are you getting done?"

"My mum is a beautician and a hairdresser so she's doing everything. Well my sister's doing my makeup since she's a beautician," Nicole replied blankly.

"Cute and cool!" Diana replied over enthusiastically.

I cringed at her over enthusiasm. She can be so over sarcastic sometimes.

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