-Starbucks [Chapter Twelve]

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Lauren's POV:

The next day, Harry and I were up much later then everyone else who had decided to go shopping without waking us and leaving Harry a text.

I know, how rude. They forgot us!

I suppose it's a good thing that I'm getting to spend some time with Harry and get to know him because generally speaking he's annoying and I don't feel I know him well enough to find him proper-proper annoying.

So, we ended heading to Starbucks, having breakfast together.

I wore a vest, with a luminous orange knitted cardigan over it, with the peace symbol on it. I also wore skinny jeans and my favourite white converse.

I wore my hair up in a high ponytail, leaving my hair it it's loose curls. I wore foundation, mascara and bright pink lipstick.

Harry looked very casual just in a pair of jeans, a white tee shirt, hoodie and white converse - just like me.

His curls were messy as per usual. But as natural and untamed as it looks, I don't know him without it.

"So, how are you?" He asked as we dug into our paninis for breakfast. Or should I say brunch, oops.

"I'm good, how are you?" I answered after taking a bit out of my panini.

This was okay. Definitely isn't the nicest panini I've ever had in my life.

"Good, so enjoying London?"

"Definitely, especially because I am here with my five 'best' friends." I send him a smile emphasising the word 'best.'

"Oh, best friends, are we?" He smirked.

Cocky little boy.

"Ew, of course not. I hate you!" I say jokingly.

"Hate youu too." He said popping the 'you.'

I grinned at him. "I'm joking. You're a good friend."

"Awh Lauren!" He said with a proper smile. The smile left his face as quick as it came and soon a frown replaced his beautiful dimples. "Pity though.." He sighed after a moments thought.

"Pity what?" I asked immediately, feeling concerned.

I wondered what he meant.

What was wrong?

I felt strongly concerned for him. Even though, I've only known him a week and in the week I knew him, he has been annoying, cocky, arrogant and not to mention flirting boy of eighteen, I feel concerned yet I can't put my finger on it as to why.

"Did you not know?" He said trying to tease me

Okay this was getting annoying. What the hell did he mean?

That is his annoying side, right there. He's trying to annoy me now, I just know it.

"Know what?" I say impatiently.

"That there is one week gone from our amazing two weeks together." He said looking at the floor.


That's what he meant. That actually hadn't crossed my mind. I thought someone died in his family or something like that. Never mind.

He looked slightly down after telling me but he made sure to look to meet my gaze and see how I would react.

I frowned but then quickly smiled after thinking of a good response to him that I knew might.. cheer him up?

Cheer him up? Who am I kidding? He doesn't care. He's getting paid and hates me, why on earth would this bother him?

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