-Cousins Happiness [Chapter Nine]

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Lauren's POV:

Today was Wednesday and I was in a really good mood.

Diana never said anything else to Georgia since the boys had confronted her so the boys had put her in her place. I just hoped it lasted.

School was going so much better these days and I was much happier. Georgia included. For one thing, I love being back with Geoff and I'm getting close with Tom now since him and Diana broke up. Another great thing was I didn't mind going to school anymore and neither did Georgia. We are all really happy and I'm just hoping it lasts because I really don't think we can go back to the way things were before. I really had a lot to thank the boys for.

School was over for the day. I had another good day today. Geoff and I spent the classes talking and at lunch I hung out with my girls.

At four, Martina was coming over and right now it was half three. I have a surprise in store for her.

I wore my Manchester United jersey with jeans and a pair of white converse. I also wore mascara on my lashes and foundation on my skin. I sat by my Apple computer on my Facebook.

Life was good for me. My life is certainly going in the right direction at the minute.

I love Geoff to bits and Georgia, as a best friend just seems like a bonus to it, you see, you would think of me as: the rich snob when the truth is I'm not snob. Yeah, sure I'm rich but I'm not being treated any different to anyone else because of it.

I scrolled through my Facebook feed with interest. People in my class were just sharing teenager posts and my Mother had just posted a selfie with Luke. It was so cute.

I was continuing to scroll until my phone suddenly buzzed. I took out my white iPhone and read my newly received text.

From: Stacey Daley Xo
Hey Laur. Can't wait to see what surprise you have for martina ;;) i bet it's something amazing cause you know you love martina <3 i hope i'm getting a surprise too cuz ;) any craic x
To: Stacey Daley Xo
Hi Stace :) yeah same and haha no not at all i hate her :') messing :) well you can come over too if your not too busy with the lc study and all. And no not a thing you x

Martina and Stacey are sisters. Stacey is seventeen and is in her last year at school. In two months time, she will be sitting her Leaving Certificate examinations which will be her gateway to college.

She goes to the mixed school in town, Athlone Vocational School, she says it a lot better than going to St Peter's, the All Girls school or St Anthony's, the All Boys school.

Although Luke has said he is going to St Anthony's. I'm not convinced, he is going to Vocational. Dad would not like to split us up, unless I'm going to St Peter's, then my Father would of been completely fine with it.

But poor Luke, he is going to Vocational. I've made my decision to go there which means he has to go as well. Mum and Dad have sent of the enrolment form to Vocational and I've been accepted.

We have yet to tell Luke. We don't know how to break it to him. And I'm honestly dreading the day we tell him.

He's so excited about St Anthony's, that we just don't know how to tell him. Ah, he will be fine I'm sure.

My phone buzzed again, dragging me from my trail of thought.

From: Stacey Daley Xo
Awh you cutie :* thanks laur <3 even if i wanted too i can't:( im in birr tonight and staying with granny as she needs someone to help her prepare for her sunday dinner party x
To: Stacey Daley Xo
Hehe try my best ;;) no prob x awh cool! nice;) lucky you gal x
From: Stacey Daley Xo
Haha yeah you do ;o yup and haha thanks a mill laur xx
To: Stacey Daley Xo
Haha no prob x

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