‡ Chapter 21.5 ‡

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I pulled on my hood, covering my face more. It was time to go and I didn't want anyone to notice me leaving. Another fighting situation would surely end me. I hustled along the streets, snaking through the madness.

I sprinted back into the forest and the scenery slowly started to change. Light started to leak through the trees and daylight was fast approaching.

The sound of the stream flowing made me feel better, knowing that I got back unharmed. I jogged back to the river and unbuttoned my drenched cloak and let it fall to my feet. I was relieved to lessen the weight off and removed the wet gloves.

I tied my long damp hair into a bun and smoothed down my pants. Quickly, I didn't waste time afterwards and tracked back to the tree. Romane said to rewind my steps in order to finish.

Weaving back to the tree, I climbed through the branches until I reach the branch that I jumped onto earlier. I steadily balanced my toes on the branch, slowing walking farther out. My hands were spread at a wide length as I look forward. Finally I attained at the edge of the sturdy branch and glanced down to find the patio on the third floor.

An red X marked the spot.

I hesitated and bit my lip. Gosh. Heights. Trying to steady dizzy head, I clenched my fists and counted to three. "And go." I leaped, swiftly going airborne.

I slipped out a grunt as I my two feet hit hard, allowing my body to roll along the wooden deck. Finally, I stopped with my back flat on the deck. The early morning sun beamed along my face, telling me to get up. I rose, making sure I didn't break anything.

The hard platform creaked as I walked along.

And then life turned into a flash of white.


"It was a test," Romane explained.

We were the only two that occupied the rooftop again, the skies a bright blue for lunch. Shortly after the light flashed I recently exited the white room I entered before the test began. It was confusing since I entered a forest when first going into that room and when I exited it was a plain box-like room.

"You know those cliché stimulation rooms?" he suggested. "You were in one of those."

I had to draw sarcasm, "Nooo. Really?" His solemn face shrunk any of my humour. Gulping, I quickly asked, "Did I pass the test?"

"It was an evaluation. To see what I have to work with." He poured me a cup of tea and handed it over. "You have sympathy but lack in the common sense department. Your accuracy is excellent yet your speed and strength are terrible. You produce strategies quite fast and know how to think on your feet. Taking on identities is your strong suit. You have no skill in combat." He paused. "I told you that already didn't I?"

"You don't have to rub it in," I scowled. However his compliments flourished my heated cheeks, sending me to cower behind my long hair.

He took a sip at his cup, leaning in his chair. "Now the real training begins."

As he stared into the skies, an idea popped in my head. I searched my pants for the bag of gold and frowned to get nothing. "Dammit."

He grew his own frown but for a different wrong reason. "What's wrong? Did you get hurt?"

Annoyed, I crossed my arms. "No. I stole some money and was hoping I'd get to keep it."

He flattened a dry look across his face. "It was a stimulation."

"I know but I was hoping—"

"Meaning none of that was real and it was all digitally done."

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