Family Matters

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 “These fuckin’ faggots think that they own the world.  If it was up to me they’d all be in prison”

We sat on the couch of the small apartment I lived in and I watched as my step-dad flicked the channels of our old TV, turning on the news as the story covering gay marriage was on.

“Honey don’t say that… I’m friends with a lot of gay people at my work and they’re really quite nice” My mom said as she stood in the kitchen making dinner.

“I’ll call ‘em whatever the fuck I want”.

Little did either of them know, their son was gay himself. I sighed, closed my textbook and walked to my room. I threw my homework down on to my bed and shut my door, trying to keep as far away from that asshole as I could. I sat down and continued my work, until I was interrupted by the ring of my old flip phone. It was my best friend Maya calling, a relief from the annoyance of my family.


“Hey… did you get number 7 on the homework?”

“Are you seriously calling me about schoolwork?” I sarcastically said.

“Ugh. you’re right. What are you doing right now? Mama’s watchin her soaps and I really don’t wanna finish this math homework… you care if I come over?”

“Please do. My step-dads annoying the hell out of me with his gay rants and my mom is making something disgusting for dinner… I need somebody here to restore my sanity.”

“A’ight I’ll be over in a few.”

I hung up and attempted to make myself look presentable. I changed in to some jeans and a grey t-shirt, and slipped on my black Nikes. Looking in the mirror, I ran my fingers through my short red hair. Surprisingly for a redhead, I had barely any freckles. I sprayed on some aftershave and walked in to the living room where my mom and Rick, my step-dad, were sitting.

“Hey mom, Mayas comin’ over in a little bit alright?”

“Okay honey… just make sure you guys keep it down so your father can watch TV.”

“Uhh... okay Mom. Don’t worry, we will.”

 I walked past them both in to the kitchen, shooting Rick a glare. I hated him. The only reason he’s living here is because he scared my mom in to letting him. He abuses her, and he acts like I don’t know about it. Granted I’ve never seen him do it myself, the bruises and choke marks on my mother’s face easily give it away. According to her she “fell” or “had an allergic reaction”. I can’t wait for the chance to catch him doing it so that I can get his ass arrested.

About 15 minutes later there was a knock at the door, and my mom got up to answer it.

“Hello Mrs. Nixon. Is Cooper here? We’re gonna study for our math test.”

I laughed under my breath from the couch and she winked at me.

“Of course he is Maya! Come on in, he’s right over here…”

I got up and we greeted each other with a “hey” and proceeded to walk to my room.

“Keep your door unlocked… and don’t do anything funny!” My mom shouted from the living room.

“Don’t worry mom”

I closed the door behind me, locking it.

“Did you bring anything?” I said, the usual greeting we shared.

She checked her purse and pulled out 3 mini bottles.“I stole a bunch of these little bottles the other day. I got one of tequila, some Swedish Fish vodka, and that stuff with the pretty gold flakes in it”

I lifted my eyebrows. “Damn. You’re good at that.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

We laughed and I walked over to my window, sliding it up. I climbed out on to my fire escape, 11 stories above the street.

“Be careful out here” I said to Maya.

“Don’t worry I will”

I stopped and looked back at her.

“What?” she said, waiting for me to move.

“That means you should probably take off your heels”

She rolled her eyes and threw her shoes in to my room, and we walked up the escape to the roof of my apartment building.

We sat over near the edge of the building, overlooking the Seattle skyline. It was dark out, but the city provided enough light for us to see.  I pulled out a cigarette and lit it while Maya twisted open one of her miniature bottles of alcohol.

“So. Anything new?”

“Well, I’m getting closer to beating the shit out of Rick every day, and it’s gonna be pretty soon if he touches my mom again. It doesn’t help that he’s a fuckin’ homophobe.”

“Speaking of that… you gonna tell them you’re gay anytime soon?”

I paused. “It’s not as easy as it sounds. Besides I wouldn’t bother telling Rick. My mom’s a different story. She’d either be devastated or totally fine with it.”

I took a hit of my cigarette and passed it to Maya, and in turn she gave me the bottle.

“Man it fucking sucks. Why do I have to be the lucky one that’s different from the rest of the world? Like what, 1 out of 20 people are gay?” I took a large sip.

“Let’s not forget about the fact that you have red hair. That’s pretty odd too.” We laughed and stared out at the city. “I feel you. I mean how you think I feel? I’m black and I hang out with some loser named Cooper.”

“Shut up, you know you love me”

My cigarette burned out and I stood up to walk back down inside. Maya followed after me. “You wanna go get a pizza or something? I’ll ask my mom for some money” I said as I crept down the steps.

“Yeah I’m up for that. Let’s go.”

 We went back inside and I got $20 off of my mom. Just as we were about to leave, Rick decided to put in his two cents. “You ever gonna start workin’ for that money?”

Annoyed by his hypocritical comment, I snapped back at him. “I will when you do”

Just as he was about to scream back at me, I slammed the door shut and left with Maya.

“You’re right. He is an asshole.” She said, shocked.

“You’re just realizing this now?” I said sarcastically.

We walked out of the building and on to streets of Seattle. Normally it’s dangerous to walk downtown at night, but Maya is surprisingly reassuring. She’s sweet when she needs to be, but piss her off and your ass will be bleeding on the ground.

“What are you doing tomorrow night?”

“The same thing I do every Friday night. Sit at home and get drunk, most likely with you.” I said, revealing the harsh truth.

“Were only 16 years old. We can’t sit at home and get drunk.”

Confused, I stopped and looked at her.

She smiled. “We have to do it with other people.”

“Oh no, I’m not throwing a party at my house.”

“Of course you aren’t. But my friend Angie’s having one at her house and she wants us to go”

“Us?” I said, still confused by the fact that this unknown girl was inviting me to a party.

“Well, me, but she said to bring people. You’re my people. Please come? Maybe you’ll meet somebody there, if you know what I mean”

I rolled my eyes. “I guess so.  But if it’s stupid, we’re leaving.”


We laughed and walked along the streets. Little did I know, I would meet someone at this party who would change my entire life.

Danger (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now