Chapter 32

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“Princess…princess,” a voice whispered softly. My eyes flutter open and meet Niall’s. 
“Hi,” I say, a smile spreading across my lips. He smiles to. 
“Hey, time to get up baby girl.” I groan. He lets out a chuckles and picks me up like a baby, so my legs wrapped around his bare torso. I nuzzle my face into the crook of his neck as he carried me into the kitchen. He sets me down on the high stool to the table and pecks my lips. 
“I made you breakfast.” He smiles setting a plate of food down In front of me. 
“Thanks!” And we start to eat.

That whole day Niall had been acting very nice. Strangely nice actually. 
Taking me out to eat, cooking for me, buying me stuff, it wasn’t to much like him. 
I had a feeling something was up. Maybe it was what he said back in the hospital. And apparently after my surgery I was out for almost two weeks! That’s what Niall said anyways. Anyway, Niall and I had just gotten back from a long day and were in the middle of a very heated make-out session, when I stopped. I needed to know. 
“N-Niall?” I pant as he sucks and nips my neck. 
“Yes princess?” He mumbles into my skin. 
“Please, tell me now.” I say causing him to pull back and sigh. 
He runs his fingers through his hair and looks at me half smiling weakly. This scared me. 
“Lillie, there taking me away.” He states. I furrow my eyebrows, shaking slightly. 
“W-what do you mean? Who?” 
“The cops baby, I’m going to jail for a while.” Tears pricked at my eyelids. 
“W-what? No,…no! Niall t-they can’t! You did nothing wrong! P-please don’t leave me!” I cry. 
“Oh baby, I wish I didn’t. But I have to,” his eyes were glossy as he took his large hands tightly in mine. “I’m noting getting as long as everybody else babe, not even a year.” 
This still made me cry harder. They couldn’t take him away from me! They just couldn’t! 
“Lillie, please, stop crying, I hate it when you cry darling.” I couldn’t help it though. 
“N-Niall, no, please, you can’t leave me, please-please,” 
He brought me into his lap and cradled me into his chest rocking me slightly. 
“Lillie, I don’t want to leave you. I hate this. I really do a-and I’m going to miss you so much. I’ll think about you every single day. I’m only going for nine months.” I snap my head about crying harder. “Niall! Nine months!? No! N-no Niall!” He just brought me back to his chest as I sobbed. 
He rubs my back soothingly trying to calm me down. 
“W-when?” I rasp after u finally do. He sighs lightly stroking my hair. 
“Tomorrow morning babe.” I let more tears falls as he kisses them away and hugs my tight, kissing the top of my head repetitively. I cried for a long time. Actually I probably cried himself to sleep. 
Niall would just hold me as we laid intertwined on the bed. It killed me to know I wouldn’t have that for nine months. I couldn’t let him go. Ever.

The next morning I wake up face to face with Niall. He smiles gently and at first I do to. 
But then I remember there taking him away form me. I tear up again and Niall just sighs kissing me. 
“Hey now, none of that. You got it all out last night remember?” 
I sniffle and nod wiping my tears away. He was right. I needed to suck it up. He smiles and kisses me again, but this time sits up, dragging me out of bed with him. 
“They’ll be here soon.” He speaks softly kissing my hand. I try so hard not to cry. 
“I love you Lillie, and I will never stop loving you.” He whispers in my ear. 
I can’t help but shed more tears at this and when there was a loud pounding at the door. 
My heart raced and thumped loudly as Niall opened it and revealed the police. 
He looks back at me and smiles sweetly, as they handcuff my Niall. 
They bring him to the police car, and right before they put him in I push everybody out of the way making my way to Niall and kissing him passionately. I was crying silently as tears streamed down my face, and the kiss deepen. We pulled away and locked eye contact. Niall was crying now to. 
He gave me a small nod and one more sweet peck before the but him in the back of the cop car and drove away. I didn’t fully break down until I was back in his house. I quickly grabbed one of his sweaters pulling it on and Inhaling his wonderful sent. I cried and cried and cried. 
Becca came over and almost started crying to when she saw my state. 
He she held me and just tried to sooth me. It was nice. I missed Becca. 
“He’s gone Becca! They just took him away!” I would cry out loud randomly. 
“I know baby, I know shhh.” 
“I love him. I-I love him,” I weep. Becca was a real good friend because this lasted all two days. 
I know. Pathetic. But I don’t care. I miss him so much already.

A couple of weeks later Im doing a lot better. Still a mess without him, but I don’t cry as much. 
I got my old job back at Starbucks with Phil and are new co-worker Avery. Who just so happens to be Phil’s new girlfriend. She was real pretty to. Anyways, I moved back in with Becca but went to Niall’s house very frequently. I’ve also been hanging out with Harry a lot. We haven’t talked about this kiss and I had a feeling we weren’t going to. Not for a while at least. Greg is in hiding from the police. He refused to go back to jail and I couldn’t blame him. We made contact sometimes and he would just be checking to see of I was doing alright. I’ve been taking a few trips to the hospital, you know just to check up to see how everything was healing. Basically my life was getting back on track very very slowly. Adjusting without Niall was hard. I missed him like crazy. But I couldn’t do anything about it, which drove me crazy even more. 
Anyways one day I get a call from the hospital. Which I thought was weird. 
“Hello, miss Lillie?” 
“Yes, this is she,” 
“This is the st. Joes hospital and we’re just calling you with some very interesting news” 
She continued on until she got to her point. When she did, I let the phone drop from my ear. 
My body was stunned and Paralyzed. My heart froze and I felt very light headed suddenly. 
I say down on the couch and just stared blankly ahead of me. Not really knowing what to do. 
“Hey Lil, I’m back.” Becca chirped. She saw my face and stopped looking worried. 
“What? What’s wrong?” She asked taking a seat next to me. I don’t even look at her.
“Lillie, your scaring me. Please, tell me what’s wrong?” She urges again. I finally spoke up raspy.
“I-I’m pregnant.”

THE END..... of Book 1 (:

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