Chapter 31

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I now feel nothing. Before I felt as if I were being pulled by something, but now, nothing. 
I can hear though. At first the sounds are muffled, but it was like a radio, my ears were trying to tune in everyone but was only getting static. Then I hear him. Niall. I loved and missed his voice. 
“Lillie, princess,” he begin touching something warm to my hand. His hand clutch around mine and I guess it was a good sign I could feel that. “P-please, wake up. The doctors got the bullet out baby. I hope to god your not in any pain.” He takes a beat and takes a deal breath, “I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you. I-I’m so sorry I let this happen to you. That I got you involved. You’ve been out for a while and I just miss you. Your voice, your smiles, everything Lillie. S-so please, p-please wake up soon. Cause I don’t how much more of this I can bare. We don’t have much time left baby doll, so please,” I feel him rest his forehead on my hand, then kiss it softly whispering, “wake up.” 
I try. I really do, but it’s so hard. It feel like my eyes are glued shut. What did he mean by we don’t have much time? I wasn’t dying was I? This drove me to try and open my eyes even more.
I feel myself coming closer and closer to the surface as things become more to my knowledge. 
Then I hear it. I soft but emotional sob escape from Niall. This breaks my heart into pieces. 
It also breaks me through the surface completely. I’m weak. Extremely weak. But I manage to open my eyes. The light is so bright at first I have to snap them back shut and wait for the adjustment.
Finally I’m able to look at Niall. He’s a mess. Hair looks like he’s ran his finger through it violently about a thousand times and he’s a bit pale. I can’t see his face but I can only imagine. 
“N-Nia-” my voice cracks and it’s barely a whisper. Jesus I’m pathetic. I try again though just wanting his sobbing to stop.
“N-Niall,” I say a bit more clear but still groggy and raspy. 
His head snaps up and his red, puffy eyes stare at me looking terrified. Dark circles clung under his eyes, and it looked like he had been crying. A lot. He scoots closer to me still looking dumbfound. 
“L-Lillie? Oh my god Lillie,” he cried sitting on the bed taking me into his arms. “O-oh god, I-I thought I would never- and the doctors said- and I’m just so glad your okay princess!” He gushed out quickly. I hugged him back tightly as well, burying my head into the crook of his neck. 
“I’ve missed you Niall.” 
“I’ve missed you too baby, so damn much.” He says pulling me back and kissing me.
“What happened to A-Alan?” I stutter remembering. His face goes hard but he answers. 
“They took him away. For ever. He can’t ever hurt you again babe. Ever.” 
I nod sniffling. Niall tilts my chin up and kisses me softly again. 
“Please don’t ever scare me like that again Lillie. I can’t handle it.” He says seriously. I nod and smile. It quickly fades though when I remember what he had said before. 
“Niall, what did you mean by, we don’t have much time together?” 
“Y-You heard all of that?” He blushes and I giggle a bit never seeing him blush before. 
“Yeah, it was beautiful Niall.” He blushes harder. 
He leans in and kisses me deeply. 
“Well I meant every word.”

A couple days later I’m released from the hospital. Niall said he would explain what he meant later. 
I wanted to know but I also didn’t want to argue. It was so nice to be back at Niall’s place. 
Becca had come and visited me in the hospital and she’s fine. She’s currently staying with her sister just until I move back in. Niall was making me stay with him. 
A couple of days after we’ve been home I completely forget about what he had said in the hospital. 
For now anyways. He had also given me a very long talk about how bad I scared him when I took off, and how much danger I put myself into. Then the bullet taking part. He never ever wanted me to out myself in front of him ever again. I felt like a child the way he scolded me. 
Finally he was done though and scooped me up rocking me slightly. He loved me was all. 
“Thank you princess.” He said after a minute of rocking me. He pecked my nose. 
“It’s fine Niall. I’m sorry I scared you like that.” He just nodded kissing me. 
The kiss deepens and you can feel where it’s leading. Not that I was stopping the journey. 
Niall’s hands travel down my body slipping my clothes off one by one until I was completely exposed. I did the same for him as well, and god did I miss his body. 
Niall sucked my sweet spot on my neck while preparing himself for the first thrust. 
He takes a beat to move the hair out of my face and kiss me. But then he waists no time. 
He thrusts in swiftly making me fist the sheets. 
“Keep your eyes open,” he moans in my ear, after thrusting a bit harder. 
I open my eyes and wrap my legs around his torso so he could get in deeper. 
He grinds on my faster and faster until all you could hear was skin slapping together. 
I claw his back moaning out and close my eyes again feeling as if I was going to reach my high soon. Niall pinned my hands back to the bed gently but firmly. 
“I said keep your eyes open Lillie,” he growls closing his eyes throwing his head back in pleasure. 
I obeyed him and kept them open as long as I could. But when I was reaching my high I couldn’t. 
“God dammit Lillie, don’t, not until I say.” I needed to release but tried obeying Niall. 
“N-Niall, I-I can’t, please,” I whine arching my back as a wave of pleasure hits me hard. 
He chuckles deeply in my ear causing my to whimper and squirm as another wave hits. 
“N-Niall please!” I finally whimper loudly. He moans raspy moans before nodding. 
“Go ahead princess, release” and I did pinching my eyes shut and curling my toes. 
Niall moans and pants in my ear when I do so and he copies the same action as me.
By the end of it we’re just a sweaty hot mess and tangled up with each other. 
“I’ve also missed that.” He winks kissing the top of my head. I giggle nodding. 
“Me to Horan, me to,” the thought suddenly comes back to me and I look up at Niall. 
“Will you please tell me now?” He new what I meant. He sighs and pull a thin sheet over us and pulls me closer to his glossy chest. 
“Tomorrow I promise.” He whispers. 
I had a feeling on whatever it was…it wasn’t good.

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