Chapter 20

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I’m roughly guided into the cabin again, and hulled down into the basemen. Again. 
Niall is already down there duck taped to a chair. When he sees me his face becomes hard. 
It becomes even more hard when they duck tape me to a chair in front of him as well.
“Let’s start with you Niall.” Alan said pacing around. Niall and I never broke eye contact. 
“You didn’t deliver my money on time. You think you can out smart me, turn my men against me. Ha. Well for that she’ll pay. She’s my property now anyways.” 
A deep growl rattles in Niall’s chest and his whole body is flexed. 
“So what to do, what to do….how about -” Alan suddenly snaps a punch at Niall’s face. 
I shirk and try to get out of my chair, but it was stupid to try. 
Alan lays another couple of punches right to his gut causing his face to turn red with pain. 
“STOP!” I cry after he’s hit Niall several times. “Please stop hurting him!” 
Alan turns towards me panting a bit from his work out. Niall slumps in his chair a bit but is still alert.
“And what do I get in return?” Alan asks suddenly amused. 
“I-I, p-please, I just want you t-to stop.” I stutter causing Alan to chuckle. 
Alan starts beating him again and Im just about ready to kill him. I’ve been ready to kill him. 
“ALAN STOP!” I cry again. 
Alan whips around and now looks angry with me. He comes real close to my face and says, 
“Your turn.” With those two simple words Niall goes crazy. He’s hurt so it’s also just a lot of groans. 
“Don’t, touch her.” Niall breathes. 
I don’t know why he begged. It only provoked Alan even more. 
Alan took my hand in his and turned himself towards Niall who is glaring like crazy. 
“Such dainty fingers Lillie.” He said toying with them. “I wonder…” 
Alan suddenly snaps one of my fingers up so quickly and hard it makes in awful cracking noise. 
I scream out in pain crying, not wanting to though, for Niall’s sake. But he had just broken it. 
Niall yelled out in pain and anger too. 
“STOP! STOP IT!” He yelled trying to jerk towards us. 
Again this only provoked Alan to move on to another finger. I start trying to jerk toward Niall to. 
When I feel another snap, I try and muffle the scream by gnashing my teeth together. 
“P-PLEASE STOP! STOP TOUCHING HER!” Niall is practically jumping up and down in his chair.
Alan’s face almost seems to soften as he wipes my tears away. The throbbing in my fingers hurt! 
“Beg baby.” He says to me. I’m confused, until he lightly brushes his fingers over my throbbing broken Ones. He lightly put pressure on them, causing me to yelp. He smirks and then takes both damaged fingers in his hand and squeezes. I cry out and thrash around in my chair. 
“Beg Lillie. Beg Niall to help you. Beg him to make the pain go away.” I shake my head no. 
Niall is too beyond angry to even talk. He’s thrashing around in his chair also, yelling in frustration. 
Alan applies more pleasure, getting mad at my protest. 
“All the pain can go away if you just ask him to make it all better love.” 
By this point I’m shaking and the pain in my fingers is making me scream out loudly. 
“Beg!!” He yells now white knuckle tight around my fingers. 
“Oh Jesus, Niall help, p-please make him s-stop! It hurts!” I try to spit out as quickly as I can. 
The one thing that I can’t stand to see Niall do, or rarely do is cry. But he is now. 
“I will, I promise, I love you, jus- ah- DAMN IT ALAN!” He’s still trying despretly to get to us. 
Alan lets go of my fingers and sits up smirking. Like he had just won a prize or something. 
“I gotta say, that was quit fun.” 
Niall and I both glare at him causing a chuckle. His chuckle quickly faded though when one of his men whispered something in his ear. Alan’s jaw clenched and his glare focused on Niall. 
“You’ll never guess what I just heard Niall.” He said getting down to his level. “Rick, yeah the one you beat the shit out of. They brought him to a hospital, don’t know why, those idiots are gonna get him arrested. But I guess it doesn’t matter because he be him so hard, he’s brain dead. In coma.” 
My eyes filled with tears of horror. Niall quickly looked to me as if to say he’s sorry. 
The Look was quickly disconnected as Alan through a punch at Niall’s face again. 
“Well I guess you’ll just have to pay for that.” He growls motioning one of his men to hand him smothering. I was basically trying to rip out of my chair when I realized what it was. A gun. 
Alan took it and pointed it at Niall’s head. I was sobbing and screaming at this point. 
Niall never took his eye off me. He was surprisingly calm. He tired whispering comforting things to me as I thrashed and screamed for Alan not to shoot him. Alan cocked the gun back and layed a finger on the tiger. “Lillie,” Niall said barely above a whisper. “Don’t look princess.” 
I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t sit here and see or let this happen. But what could I do? Niall can’t die. 
Just before Alan applied enough pressure to the trigger loud gun shots came from up stairs. 
It made all of us jump and Alan point the gun towards the basement door. 
The door slowly creaked open and someone was slowly trailing down the stairs. 
It was one of Alan’s men. We all kind of relaxed until we saw who was behind him. Zayn. 
Zayn had a gun pointed to his back and three other people trail behind him also with guns.
Will, Perrie and Elliott. They each pointed there guns to someone in the room. 
“Drop the gun.” Zayn spoke harshly to Alan and his men. Who were all pointing at them. 
Alan’s face is in complete shock but I can tell he’s trying to hide it. He doesn’t move. 
“I said drop it!” He now yells. 
Alan slowly sets his gun down, as do all of his men. That was the key for Alan. His men. He needed them, that’s why he acted the way he did when he found out Niall basically killed one of them. 
He needed as much protection as possible. Zayn flashed a glance between Niall and me. 
“Cut them lose.” He demanded. Alan’s jaw clenched but he motioned one of his men to free Niall. 
“Her too.” Will and Zayn spoke at the same time. 
“She’s mine. It was the deal. As was our deal Malik. I wouldn’t beat Perrie anymore if you worked for me. Your breaking your contract.” 
“I’m done working for you. And Lillie is going to be set free.” Zayn wasn’t messing around. 
“No! A deal is a dea-” he’s cut off by a loud bang. At the same time one of Alan’s men falls to the ground. I’m pretty sure dead. Which made my stomach turn. Alan’s face was bewildered. 
“Cut her lose. Or your next.” Zayn said through clenched teeth. 
Alan swallowed hard but motioned his men again. The cut me lose and I ran into Niall’s arms. 
We were both beside Zayn now and Niall’s face was even darker then his friends. 
“Go. Get out of here, we have your back. Oh, and here,” Zayn said throwing Niall car keys.
“What, Zayn no, what about yo-” 
“Go Lillie. We’ll be fine. Niall, get her out of here and somewhere safe.” 
Niall didn’t argue. He wrapped his arm protectively around my waist and began guiding me out. 
“She’s mine Horan. You can’t hide forever.” Alan called behind us. 
Niall stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. Darkness tremble through his body like electrictrisity. I clutched onto the sleeve of his shirt and tried to stop him. 
“Niall! Go!” Zayn demanded loudly. Niall shot a glare at Zayn but then softened a tad.
He quickly turned back towards me, regaining his arm tightly around my waist. 
We ran upstairs and out of the house swiftly. I stopped dead in my tracks though when I heard guns going off. Niall whipped around and new what I was about to do. 
“Zayn. Will.” I breathe turning back around. I couldn’t leave them. They helped us. 
“Lillie no! Stop! We need to leave!” Niall yelled. 
I start to take a step towards the cabin again but I feel Niall throw me over his shoulder. 
“No! Niall we need to help them!” I say crying again. 
Niall doesn’t say anything. Niall puts me in the truck and quickly gets in to. 
Soon enough we’re driving away fom the cabin. I’m sobbing at this point. 
“Lillie, please, stop crying. We’ll figure out about them later okay? Trust me I didn’t want to leave them either.” He says softening a little bit. I nod and whip my tears away, only to be reminded of my broken fingers. Niall’s face hardened again as he pulled over to the side of the road. 
He pissed as he looked he gently took my hands in his large ones. 
He examines my fingers carefully then searches the glovebox for something. All that’s in there that he could use was a dirty rag. He tore it into a strip of material and looked at me. 
“This might hurt.” He spoke as softly as he could. It was hard though cause I knew it killed him to even cause me the slightest pain. Not to mention he just had to watch me beg for him to help me. 
He began tightly winding the material around my two swollen fingers. He loosened up a bit when he heard me wince. He mumble he was sorry the whole time until it was over. 
He looked up at me with heart ach in his eyes. I suppose I was looking at him in the same way. 
His face was beat up pretty good and it only brought tears to my eyes again. 
He quickly pulled me to him and hugged me tight. He kissed my tears away and cupped his massive hands around my face. It was like he was sreaching to see if he missed something. 
If I was secretly still in pain. He slowly closed the gap between us though and kissed me passionately. I pull myself closer into the kiss in fear I would lose him, or he would disappear. 
“I’m so sorry.” He mumbled after pulling away. Be buried his face into the crook of my neck. 
“I’m so sorry I brought you into this.” I pulled his face to look at mine. 
“Niall this isn’t your fault. Please don’t do that to yourself.” 
“But Lillie he di-” 
“I know Ni, I know. But we’re away from him now. Besides I’m not the only one he did things to.” 
I say lightly tracing his gash above his eyebrow. He sighed and kissed me again. 
“I love you. And I’ll protect you from whatever I can.” He said strongly looking at me.
“I love you to Niall.” I say resting on his chest after he kissed me again. 
It was gonna be hard for a bit. Knowing or not knowing if Alan was still out there.
But we would find out soon enough. And we would find out if Zayn and the rest of our friends were okay also. As long as I had Niall, and Niall had me. We’d make it.

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