Chapter 14

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A soft humming dragged me out of my dreams. Niall’s humming. All the memories of last night flooded back into my brain. Perfect. I my eyes flutter open and I’m met by a beautiful pair of liquid blue eyes. Niall’s head is propped up by one of his arms and the other is gently tracing circles into my back. He smiles once he realizes I’m awake and staring up at him. 
“Hi,” I smile back at him. He was pretty much perfect. His hair all tousled and his deep morning voice made me absolutely crazy. The sheets still clung to our naked bodies as I sit up a bit and kiss him. “Thank you for last night.” I whisper. He smirks. 
“No, thank you.” I bit my lip and looked down blushing. 
“What?” He asks chuckling a bit. 
“Did you mean what you said last night? T-That you love me?” 
His eyebrows furrow together and one of his massive hands comes up and strokes my cheek. 
“Of course I did. With every bone in my body.” 
I smile and nuzzle myself into his bare chest. My heart skipping a beat. 
“Good, cause I meant it too.” 
I don’t have to look up at him to know he’s smiling. His large arms pull snug around me and I feel like a small child compared to him right now. I didn’t want to get up. I didn’t want to ruin this moment. But eventually we got up. I changed into one of his shirts and sweatpants to get up and get some coffee. As I’m making it, I feel Niall’s strong arms snake around my waist from behind. 
“I’m gonna go to the gym, I’ll be back shortly ok?” He says resting his chin on my shoulder. 
I nod and smile at the thought of Niall looking all muscular and sweaty at the gym. Sexy. 
I turn around to see Niall already dressed to go in some basket ball shorts and a tank. 
“Bye princess,” he says kissing me, “oh and by the way, last night, amazing.” 
And with that, he’s gone. I smile to myself and can’t help but to agree with him. 
After my coffee I decide to go outside and smoke. Yeah, I know, smoking is bad for you and I hardly ever did it, but I started when my mom and dad started fighting. Niall of course doesn’t know. I really don’t do it that often, rarely. But I felt the urge. I grabbed my pack a carry in bag pull out one. Not wanting to be rude I go outside and light it. I inhale and exhale. It felt good. 
Even though it was probably causing me cancer. But again, I rarely smoked. A couple inhales later my phone buzzes. Unknown number. My heart starts to pick up its pace a bit as a look at the text.

Unknown: you know, smokings bad for you xx

My head snaps up and quickly searches around. Fear settled into my system and I start to shake. 
My phone buzzes again.

Unknown: you can’t see me, but I can see you. You look quite nice in your boyfriends close Lillie Xx

My heart stops. How did they know my name? I quickly fumble to try and get back into the house but someone spins me around. I scream and Greg’s hand slaps over my mouth. 
“Jesus Greg, you scared the shit out of me!” I spit shoving his hand off of me. 
“Sorry, why so jumpy?” I glare at him. 
“Oh like you don’t know, stop sending me creepy texts!” 
He looks confused at me but then smirks. 
“That’s not me love. But I think I know who it might be….” 
“Niall hasn’t been telling you anything has he?” I look at him confused now. 
“What are you talking about?!” 
Greg only smiles and turns away from me, walking away. 
“He hasn’t been telling you the truth Lillie.” 
Is all he says before driving away. Anger and confusion boil up inside me. What the hell does that mean?! Even though I didn’t trust Greg one bit, I did believe there was something Niall wasn’t telling me. Just before I’m about to go inside my phone buzzes again.

Unknown: you and Greg better keep your mouth shut, Niall doesn’t find out…xx

I grit my teeth and storm inside chucking my phone at the wall. I was scared and didn’t understand what was going on. But I wasn’t going to chance telling Niall. I would never forgive myself if he got hurt. I go and make sure my phone is okay, which it is. 
Niall comes home shortly after and god does he look sexy. He’s sweating and his muscles seem to be extra noticeable now. He sees me starring and smirks. 
“You know, I’m about to hop in the shower, we could go green and safe water.” I laugh. 
“Why I didn’t know you cared so much about our planet.” 
“Oh defiantly, I’m like huge on it.” He says picking me up causing my to giggle. 
Damn he was turning me on. He carries me to the bathroom while pecking me neck softly. 
He sets me on the sink and starts the shower water. 
He comes back to me and in one swift movement as my shirt already off. I didn’t bother putting on a bra this morning, so that was already out of the way. I slip his shirt off to and kiss his chest and trail them up to his perfect lips. Soon we’re both in the warm shower water, clung to each other kissing. I curled my legs around his lower back as he thrust into me suddenly. 
Loud moans fall from my mouth making him go faster and faster. Jesus he knew how to make my toes curl. Soon though Niall couldn’t keep a grip on me as the water made thing difficult. 
I was set down on my feet and turn around. Niall entered me from this way now and Jesus it felt even better. His hands secured around my hips making me follow the movements of his thrusts. 
“N-Niall.” I breathe. I don’t need to say anymore. He knows and I can feel he’s close to. 
“Shit.” He growls reaching his high with me soon following. 
He turns me back around panting a bit. 
“Damn princess, I got two good work outs today.” He winks. I roll my eyes at him and settle down into his chest. After cleaning and washing ourselves we get out only to find Niall has to go into work. Again. I wanted so bad to ask him about it, but he also got upset when I did. 
So I let him go without asking him. I decide to call Will. 
“So you still aren’t gonna tell Niall about Greg eh?” He asks after a while of being over. I sigh. 
“No. You didn’t di-” 
“No relax. I said I wouldn’t so I’m not.” I smile at him. 
“Thanks, I know what I’m asking is sorta a lot.” 
“Yeah especially since Im like the only guy Niall trusts you with.” I sigh again. 
“I know I’m sor-” 
I’m cut off by someone slamming Niall’s front door shut. We come out of the kitchen to see its Niall. A very pissed off Niall. I immediately begin to coward behind Will. 
“What’s going on Niall?” Will asks trying to sound causally and calm. 
“Will. I think you should leave. Thank you for keeping her company, but I REALLY need to talk to her. Alone” Will looks to me and I nod. Whatever it was I had to trust Niall. Will leaves and I’m faced with Niall alone. At first no words are spoken. Niall just looks angrily down at his feet. Finally he looks up. His eyes are dark and I can feel the terror set in. 
“Why didn’t you tell me.” He barely speaks above a whisper. 
“Tell you what?” I ask nervously. 
“Your little friend visited me today Lillie. That prick Phil.” I pry to god he’s not going with this were I think he’s going. I’ll kill Phil if he does. Niall continues. 
“Now don’t lie to me. Did Greg come by your work and hurt you?” He spoke creepily calm. 
I was lost for words. Phil, I was going to kill Phil. He doesn’t know what he shaken up. 
“H-He didn’t hurt me.” 
“Answer the question.” 
“Niall please its no-” 
“Damn it Lillie answer the fucking question! Has he been stalking you?!” He yells making me flinch. 
“Yes!” I yell back tears threaten to come. Niall takes in a deep angry breath. 
“Why the hell didn’t you tell me!” He asks sharply. 
“H-He said he’d h-hurt you or m-me I-I’m sorry N-Niall.” I fumble. 
“Has he? Has he hurt you?” His voice was a mixture between urgency and fury. I start to cry now. 
“Niall please.” 
“Fucking tell me.” It was that he was so calm that scared me. But something sprung up inside of me. “No!” I’m not really sure where it came from. But anger start boiling in me now. 
“Lillie tell me no-” 
“No Niall! It’s not important! I’m fine! I’m not the only one keeping secrets around here either!” 
“What are you talking about!?” 
“What have you not been telling me about work?! What the fuck do you even do!” 
“We’re not having this discussion Lillie.” 
“Like hell we aren’t!” 
I say storming past him and out the door. Hot tears stream down my face now and I hear him yell my name. It makes my feet pick up the pace and take off running. 
“Lillie! Stop!” He’s closer now and I’m not sure why I’m running from him. I love him. But my legs betray me and book it faster. I don’t want to run from him by more, but I’m running so fast down his street now I can’t feel my legs. I look back behind me and he’s hot on my trail. I must have swerved over into the middle of the street because now I hear a loud blare of a car horn. 
I whip around to see it coming straight at me, but I can’t really do anything about it. 
That is until I feel the impact of something crash into me. It wasn’t strong enough to be the car, but a person. Niall. He’d just tackle us on the other side of the road saving me from the car. 
He had landed on top of me knocking the wind out of me. Although I suppose it could be a lot worse. He looks down at me horrified and frantic. 
“Jesus Lillie are you okay?! Are you hurt?!” He breezes out of his mouth quickly. 
“No, no I’m not. I’m fine.” I say still crying. 
Niall gets off of me and scoops me up into his arms, pulling me into his lap. 
“What the fuck were you thinking?!” He says harshly “Jesus you scared the hell out of me!” 
I can feel and hear his heart go crazy in his chest. Then I hear something I don’t think I’d ever here from Niall. Sniffling. But not just normal sniffling, was….was he crying? 
I look up at him and sure enough his eyes are glossy along with his cheeks being inflamed. 
“A-Are you crying?” I ask breathless. He only presses me into his chest tighter kissing my head. 
“You scared the shit out of me. When I saw that car coming, I-I just-” he stopped talking and took a deep breath then exhaled. I’ve never heard him get that close to crying, to just shedding a tear. 
“Niall I-I’m sorry, I-I didn’t mea-” 
“Shhh princess it’s okay, all that is important is that your okay.” He coos. 
“Thank you. For getting me out of the way.” I sniffle. I felt awful. 
Niall just nodded and kissed me softly before lifting me up bridal style hushing and saying its okay. 
He carries me back to his house and gently lays me on his bed, before climbing onto it with me. 
He wines his arms around my lower back scooting me into closer to him making me instantly sleepy as my head lays on his chest. I carefully listen to his heart beat waiting for it to calm down. 
And as if on cue after his heart finally did calm down he broke the silence. 
“I love you Lillie. Please don’t scare me like that again. I can’t loose you. Ever.” He whispers. 
My heart skips a beat and I snuggle into his chest more, still a bit shaken up. 
“I’m sorry. I won’t, I love you too. So much and You won’t loose me. I promise.” 
He sighs and kisses the top of my head, resting his lips there. 
And like I always do when I sleep with Niall, my hand clutches onto his shirt instinctively to help me go to sleep. I soon drift away tangled and intertwined with Niall safe and warm. 
Like it should be. Always.

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