Chapter 21

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“Lillie, baby, wake up.” I hear Niall’s velvet voice whisper in my ear. Must have fallen asleep. 
I open my eyes and see we’re parked outside a hotel. 
“Come on,” he says lifting me to my feet. “You look exhausted.” 
“N-Niall what about Zayn, Perrie, Will and Elliott!” 
“I haven’t heard from them yet. Lillie please, let’s get inside.” He says his face getting hard again. 
I sigh and go with him. 
As soon as we’re checked in and settled into our room, I’m on Niall about calling them. 
“Okay, okay,” he says finally. He dials numbers in and puts it on speaker. 
“Niall,” Zayn finally picks up. 
“Zayn man, are you alright?” 
“Yeah, we’re fine. Where are you, will meet up.” 
“Zayn no, you have to get a flight with Perrie, you heard Alan. W-what happened with Alan?” I ask.
“I know Lil, we got a flight, but it doesn’t leave until tomorrow morning. And Alan, is still alive. One of his men shot at us and snowballed from there. Where are you?” 
Niall gives him directions and I couldn’t help but feel relived. Even though I wanted them to be safe, I also wanted to see them again. We owed them a lot.

Zayn and the rest arrive finally. They all seem to look okay, but Elliott was very fidgety. 
“So your sure nobody followed you.” Niall asks peeking out the window. 
“Yeah, we’re sure. Are you guys okay?” Will asks. 
“Yeah, thank you guys so much. I don’t know what would have happened….” I trail off.
I actually new what was going to happen. Niall would have died. That’s terrifying to think.
“Yeah, yeah, your welcome.” Elliott spoke quickly. Nobody really thought anything of it. But me. 
Niall, Zayn, Perrie and Will start talking something about how Alan wasn’t gonna stop looking for me. I would have been listening, but Elliott kept playing with something in his coat. 
“Well we should, go.” Perrie says snapping me out of it. 
Before anyone can react Elliott yanks me back by my neck and pressing a cold object to me temple. Oh what the hell. Niall and Zayn start to stalk forward with hard set faces but the object pushes harder to my head. 
“Come any closer and she’s dead.” Niall’s eyes are wild with darkness. 
“Elliott, what the hell man, what are you doing?” Will asks trying to reason with him. 
“Alan offered me money. His men are waiting down stairs. I-I’m sorry.” 
Everyone was glaring daggers at him. We slowly begin to walk backwards but I was done. 
I was so done with this shit. I’ve had enough of everyone thinking they can just pull this kinda shit. 
I sharply jab my elbow back, connecting it with his ribs. Luckily he let go to grunt in pain and I find my opportunity. I turn around angry as fuck and wind back my fist, landing it right in his gut. 
Elliott coughs but then points his gun up and shots. I didn’t get it until I hear thumping coming towards us. It was a signal. I dash towards Niall who is hiding a smirk. It quickly fades when people start shooting at us. Niall pushes me to the ground and ducks behind the counter In the kitchen. 
He yanks out a gun and my ears start going numb from the shooting. 
I feel Will yank me up and guard me to behind the couch, which was now tip over for protection. 
Zayn and Perrie are defending themselves behind another chair as Niall is still in the kitchen. 
“Will, get her out of here!” Zayn yells over the gun shots. I start shaking my head. I wasn’t leaving without Niall. Will grabs my forearm and begins to yank me towards the window. 
Luckily we were on the first floor. 
“Will I’m not leaving Niall!” I say trying rip out of his grip. 
“Lillie don’t be ridiculous, come on!” 
Right when I turn around to go to Niall I’m tackled to the ground. 
Elliott pins me down and pulls a shot looking thing out of his pocket. He was gonna try and drug me. Before Will or me could react I feel some splatter on me. 
Elliott looks shocked for a minute, but then looks down at me and swallows hard. 
He plots down on top of my not moving or breathing. It was his blood that was on me.
That didn’t exactly settle my stomach. In fact it made me scream out in horror. His dead body was laying lifelessly on me. His blood his flooding onto my skin, staining me, reminding me. 
Will quickly yanks him off me and look quit shocked himself. 
He lifts me to my feet and I see Niall still has the gun pointed in our direction. 
It was him. He shot Elliott. Killed him. We lock eyes for a minute and he looks like he wants to kill everyone in that room. But the also look,….scared. Our connection is broken when shots blow a little to close to us. Will and I duck down again and I try not to look at Elliott. 
“Will go!” Zayn yells. He’s pretty pissed and him and Perrie are trying to kill off as much guys as possible. We here sirens suddenly. We all make eye contact with each other but that doesn’t stop Alan’s men from shooting at us. Will guides me to the window and opens it. 
I glance at Niall who is already looking at me. He’s all the way across the room and it would be suicide to try and make it over here. “Go” he mouths. 
I couldn’t. Didn’t want to. Not without Niall. Will is pushing me to the window as he shots at people. 
Right when I’m unwillingly climbing out the window, a bullet hits the glass shattering it down on me. 
I feel one of the shards get bedded into the skin in my arm and it didn’t feel to good. 
The shock of it actually makes me fall head first out the window. 
I land with a thump maki the glass dig farther in my arm. I can’t help but scream out. It fucking hurts. I hear another thump and see Will. He’s already picking my up to my feet again. 
“No, no, Will, we can’t leave them, plea-” 
“We don’t have a choice.” He says harshly not looking at me. 
I’m about to protest but we here foot steps running towards us. I was praying it was Niall. 
It wasn’t. It was one of Alan’s men. Will curses under his breaths but takes my hand and starts running like the wind. I try to ignore the stinging from the glass as we race towards the woods just outside the hotel. The guy doesn’t give up though as we are now racing in the woods full speed. 
Suddenly Will cries out in pain and thumps to the ground clutching his leg. At the same time a piercing shot rings through the air. His leg was bleeding out from the shot. 
“Will oh my god, oh my god.” Shirk running to his side. 
“The guy, you have to run, go, now.” He breezes out quickly. I start crying now. 
“No, Will come on please get up, please.” I beg trying to lift him. No use. 
“Lillie, go, I’m only going to slow down, it’s okay go.” He says at first harshly, but softening at the end. I start shaking my head, tears streaming down my face. I knew what would happen if I left. 
We hear the guy getting closer and Will starts pushing me away. 
“Go! It alright, go!” He urges. 
My body betrays me for some reason and my feet start to carry me away from him. 
He actually start running away from him until I was a good distance. I could still see him though. 
I make myself stop. I had to know if he was gonna make it. Even though I knew the answer. 
The guy catches up with him and he make his gun very noticeable. 
I can hear talking but can’t understand what there saying. I have to slap my hand over my mouth when the guy points the gun to Will’s head. I pinch my eyes shut when I hear the gun shot. 
I wanted to sob. I wanted to scream. I knew, I just knew he was gone. Will was dead. 
I reopen my eyes to find the guy looking over the life he just robbed. 
He starts looking around and running again. That was my cue to start running also. 
I don’t know how I did it. How I made myself not run to Will’s body, but I did. I couldn’t look back either. Will died trying to save me, I wasn’t going to ruin that. I run and run and run until I can’t anymore. Like, I physically can’t. I make it out of the woods though and to a road. 
I claps on the side of the road wanting Niall more then ever. He had to be okay. He just had to be. 
Zayn and Perrie had to be to. I curl up in a ball and notice the Elliott’s blood still on me. 
It turns my stomach upside down and I can’t control the vomit from coming out. 
Hopefully I had lost the guy. I couldn’t get up even if he still was. I needed Niall. I needed him to be safe and okay. I feel myself slipping and don’t really have a choice if I want to or not. 
Keep fighting. For Will, for Niall. I wasn’t dying, I knew that much, but I had a feeling if I let myself slip away then I would for sure be found and killed. Suppose it wouldn’t matter if I stayed awake anyways. I wasn’t moving anytime soon. It was like a thousand bricks were stacked on me.

I’m not sure how long I was laying there until I I feel someone lift me. 
I want to scream. To fight. But my body was suppressed by numbness. I didn’t help that I was losing blood from that damn cut in my arm. Fuck Lillie do something! I wish I could. 
Hold on, maybe I was. The voice of the person whispered to me, 
“Shh love stop fighting. I’m not gonna help you, not hurt you.” I didn’t recognize his voice. 
I try asking him, to let me go, I needed to get to Niall, but it only came out in groans. 
I wish I could see this persons face. His light chuckle made me want to open my eyes, but no luck.
“Your okay, now. I’m Harry. Harry Styles.”

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