Chapter 2: The Truth

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" Why is he here mom?" Asking my mom. "Your father is here because we need to tell you something and its important that you understand them", she said.

"What And after almost 19 years that he decided to come here? ", i ask.

"We are now allowed to seek our mates", he said looking at my mother and i saw her tears starting to fall.

Harold move closer to Carol remove the tears that running at her cheek and murmuring words i couldn't hear.

I want to get angry seeing my father comforting my mom, but could't. This is the first time i see her crying, i never seen her cry before even when we were having financial difficulties. She is always been brave, spontaneous, loving and caring mother for me. She always think positive, that every problem has a solution.

And i can see in their both eyes they still love each other, my father has tears in his eyes as well. He embraced mom while she sobs in his chest.

I was about to stand up and leave them for a moment to give them time with each other, but my father stop me.

"Please sit down Gwen, what i'm about to tell you both is very important", he said.

"Is it ok to tell her the truth Harold?," mom asked. "What truth?" "About why he left us?" I say.

"There is a big reason why he have to leave us Gwen" she explain. "That is the only thing you kept telling me, everytime i asked you about him. You keep telling me in due time you will know Gwen", saying it sarcastically.

"Are you saying now is due time then?".

Looking at my father, i said, "You left mom while she was carrying me, never contacted her, us after that. We didn't even know if your still alive or what "

"What is it that so important, more important that mom that you have to leave her when she needed you most?", i was shaking tears are forming in my eyes but i try not to let them fall down. Letting my father see how affected i was as well.

Its not easy growing up without a father to provide and protect us. But i accepted the fact that he doesn't want us, well, that what i always thought. I guess all this years i to wish he was here with us, i look down at my hand that's in my lap.

"Gwen look at me please", i look at him, then he continue " I never stop loving your mother, if I knew that she was pregnant with you I would not have left you both." He look at my mom whose already wiping her tears, again they look at each other.

Then mom look at me, "I never told you the truth Gwen because I don't want you to think I was going crazy telling you stories about mates, alphas and werewolves", "Werewolves?" I remark.

"Mom, there are no such things as werewolves! Can you give me a much reasonable explanation than a myth?", I concluded.

"Its true, your mother is not lying to you, I am a werewolf, a former delta of the Moonstone Pack in Arizona. I met Carol at a convention where I was the escort of Alpha Lucad and his wife Luna Mia. My alpha knew about Carol and was only given me a few weeks to spend with her. But need to go back when called" he explained.

I stood up, still not believing what my father is saying, werewolves, are werewolves do exist?. They're just myth, movies that we watch in the big screen. They can't be real?!?!

Can they?.

Those where the words that pumping in my mind, then I look at my father, "If werewolves are real prove it", i said to him.

Father stood up, living my mom at the couch, he went to the other side of the room. "Harold not here in the livingroom," mom said as she straightens her posture.

"What can he do mom turn into a dog?", joking but in the blink of an eye when i look at my father, he just turn into a grey wolf with black strips in his body.

And then there is darkness.......

Hope you like the ending of this chapter, So Gwen is half human, half werewolf, hmmmm.

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Thank you so much....

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