Chap. 31: Hidden Secrets

Start from the beginning

"Just wanted to stop by. Guess I came at the wrong time...whats up?"

He sat beside me.

What's up?

"The girl I love is with someone else..." I cried.

He seemed utterly surprised. "What?!"

"Jina doesn't love me no more.." I sobbed.

He put his arm over me. "For real? You saw her with someone?"

"They were kissing...just like we used to.." I wiped my tears.

"But I thought by now she'd receive the letter and call you."

"Yeah but-" I paused.

I glared at him. "What do you mean.. she'd receive.?"

"Receive. Like. Get the letter I gave to the boy."

The boy?!

"What boy?!" I asked a bit loudly.

"The boy that answered the door!" He answered.

I sprang up to my feet. "You didn't give JINA the letter?!"

"I gave the letter to a boy to give to Jina, he told me she wasn't home."

"Who told you?!" I asked anxiously.

"The boy!" He answered.

"What boy?! How'd he look like!"

Was it Jungkook?

"He had silver hair."


Silver hair.


That fucking-

I ran my fingers through my hair and wiped my whole face very frustratingly.

"What's the matter?" Tony asked.

I glared at him. "That boy you gave the letter to, is the same fucking boy I saw my girl kissing today!" I exclaimed.

His jaw dropped. "Oh fuck." He mumbled.

"You gave him the letter. He obviously read it and didn't give it to her. Tony he has her fooled!" I exclaimed.

He got up, "No he doesn't. I got this. I got you!" He said and went towards the door.

"Where are you going?!" I shouted.

"Trust me dude!" He said.

I heard the door slam.


Taehyung you are dead.


-Jina POV-

I giggled. "The monkey really spat in your face?"

"Yeah..he's my enemy." Tae said.

I smiled. "You're too cute."

He giggled and shyly looked away.

We were both in my room. I was sitting up against the headboard while he layed down resting his head on my thighs. I stroked his hair.

Having Taehyung as a boyfriend really isn't all that bad.

This whole day I've been comparing him to Jimin. As bad as that sounds.

But I got results.

Jimin is more, sensitive. Meanwhile Taehyung is more, on the fun side.

They're both really funny but Jimin lacks in showing affection. Taehyung didn't mind kissing me in public.

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