Chapter 2

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Misaki's POV

I was helping out in the field. I had gotten a lot stronger than when I first started. I could see my mother was sleeping less. There were only two months until the baby was due and I start the academy in three days.

I started to weed the field. I learnt how to do so much just from watching my mum a couple of times. It got easier to do. After all, I did sneak out at night to work on the field because apparently I was the first ninja in the family and I shouldn't strain my muscles from all the work....I don't think my mum know much about ninjas in general...Or at all.

I had moved on to turning the dried soil. This helps me to put holes and place small sprouts for fruits.

Taking care of the field takes allot of strength and stamina.
I think in the academy they'll tell us other ways to do this. For example running and lifting weights. Well, actual ninja training and not gardening.

I have been trying to do as much as I can for the time being with as little that I have. Gardening? Practically child labour but you know the C and D Class missions are similar in the idea.

I run every day in the morning. I try to get at least 2 laps around the village centre. I'm not same as I was before but it's still hard.

Also working in the field helps me build on my strength as farming requires manual labour.

I have been working since the morning. I have my hat,gloves and my garb for farming on.


A scream! Not far from here. It was a feminine scream and it sounded like she was in pain.

My stomach twisted in a not when I realised the direction of the scream


I ran as fast as I could, dropping the rake and a few other things in the process. I opened the door to find my mother on the floor screaming for help. I helped her up. But something didn't feel right.
"Are you okay? Have you gotten hurt anywhere?"

She didn't respond very well. She seemed like she was in pain. A great deal of pain. I helped her up and tried to carry her outside. Being this small did not help. I failed miserably.

I tried to scream as I ran outside. A woman, with blonde hair, was looking at me. "What's wrong? Why are you screaming?" I looked at her and replied anxiously. "It's my mother she screaming and I don't know what's wrong with her." She looked around once and the said. "Take me to her."

I led her back to my house and she saw my mother. Her cheeks were stained with tears as grabbed me as I ran to her. I tried to calm her down.

"Don't worry kid I know what's wrong with her." My eyes open wide as she said that. Was I lucky enough to come across a medic nin?

Did I read about them somewhere? No, I heard about them. They can heal exceptionally well and the first Hokage was known to be one of-if not, the greatest shinobi in medical ninjutsu.

The blonde lady smiled and told me to get a few clothes and a warm water.
I did I was instructed as the lady positioned my mother weirdly. She saw me and I had placed the stuff next to her and stood awkwardly next to my mother.

My mother was a bit calmer her cheeks were pink but the lady's words seemed to soothe her.

Then I was told to get a few bandages. I ran back to the cabinet in a room upstairs. I could hear screaming. I tried to rush as I tumbled over things. A few things fell and I fell. Ouch. I found the bandages and ran downstairs.

There I saw it. There was a tiny human. What the? Ew, it was wrinkly and so very small.
My mother was lying asleep. It was as though she didn't have a care in the world as she slept and she wasn't moving as much anymore.

There was a bit of blood on the floor.
The baby was wrapped in cloth and looked like he/she was going to cry any moment now. The blonde lady looked at me. She was smiling. I wasn't sure about something. It seemed off. Was everything alright now?

I asked her. "Miss how did this-." She cut me off. "My name is Tsunade. Your mother had fallen and had grazed her leg." She looked like she wanted to say more. But what more could she want to say? Wasn't everything alright now?

My mother slept peacefully as Tsunade picked her up and carried her with hand to the sofa, along with the baby in her other hand.

How was she so strong. She must have realised I was looking as she just chuckled. "Close your mouth or else you'll catch flies." I closed my mouth. But I still continued to stare at her. I...Don't know? What is it? Behind her eyes, there's a secret that she's not telling me. I couldn't tell.

She handled the situation so effortlessly it made me feel small. Tch. I'm still too weak to protect her.

" Miss Tsunade?". She looked and turned to look at me and that smile it still looks weird. "Is the newborn a girl or a boy?"
She unravelled the cloth.

Seriously she's checking now?

"This is your new sister." The only question is now if I could protect them.

Tsunade cleared her throat. I looked at her. She looked at me as if to go on.
"I'm not sure if I had caught your name yet?"

My name? Oh yeah, I have a name.

"My name is Misaki Haruno." I gave her the biggest smile I could make.
She smiled back just as big looking at the innocence in my eyes must have made her crumble a little. Her smile looked like she just saw something that would make her cry.
"Okay then Misaki, I think it would be best if I was to take your mother back to the hospital."

Instantly my I shook. What! Why? Tsunade noticed. "Don't worry it's just a check-up. The baby is premature, it would be best if we were to look at the baby in case she was to have special needs. Also, your mother would need proper bandages and such to make sure she's healthy. It is standard procedure we do to all mother's that have given birth.

That calmed me down a little bit.
"The house seems really empty. Are you the only other child that lives here?" I nodded.

"Where is your dad?"
My face once again turned grim. I would have cried. But what could I do? I just have to suck it up.
"He died a couple months back." Although my voice didn't tremble and I was surprised how calm and collected I was. She didn't continue with the topic anymore.

Tsunade looked at me with pity. She handed me the newborn. I stared at the new life form.

She is so cute.

Wow, 1091 words.
no, I did not just pat myself on the back. I high fived myself instead. :D

I know this is long and kind of boring but it's only the beginning and they she just met someone new!

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