Chapter 1

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Tears dripped one by one onto the floor, already stained with blood." Dad, what di-happened to you?" The voice was uneven and trembled at the sight.

The corpse had now been shifted from the floor by a medic nin. The look on his face showed fear,pity and a little bit of anger. The girl looked around, her mother would look for her. Being scared and helpless she ran. She didn't know that following him would mean trouble.

All she did was stand there shocked and watched as a claw pierced his stomach. It was so sudden.

The scream was what alerted the surrounding nin to take them away.
A five-year-old girl. Her hair was a mess her hands wiping away the tears. Her clothes and cheeks had dried blood splatters.Her elbows and knees looked bruised from being pushed earlier. Her pink shirt was stained. She was unable to comprehend. It was too sudden. Her thoughts jumbled and her clumsy walking made it harder for her to think properly or walk. The others didn't see as she walked away.

Her dad.

He was gone. All the moments of her and her dad flashed in her eyes. When he would play with her cherished her and made sure no harm had ever come to her. Moments after she collapsed and the darkness to over.

A few months later.

Life seemed so much harder now that her dad was not around. All the work was placed on her mother.

It's not fair. Why did it have to be my dad? They were supposed to protect people like dad. Who's gonna put me to sleep at night? Who's going to tell me there are no monsters under my bed? There's going to be no one. The girl trapped herself in the room most of the time.
She only came out to eat.

Only recently did she-she come out to help on the fields. Her family relied on selling fresh fruits and vegetables in the village.

The girl's heart felt like it was clenching as she watched her mother work the fields. Sometimes the girl would come to help when she could.

But she was just a child there was no way to keep up with her mother's strength. What made it worse was that her mother was pregnant. She was going to be due in 3 months.

This is pathetic. She looked at herself in the mirror. Everything in her reflection screamed weakly. She was weak. Her only mother now had to provide for her by struggling. At this rate, her future sibling safety would be in jeopardy.

But what can she do? She had signed up to go to the academy. A ninja. They are strong and powerful. I would be able to help my mother. I can't have self-pity. There's not enough time for that.

But at the rate she was going she would never be able to do it.

So she would train. The academy doesn't start until a few more weeks.

End of chapter one.
Be honest please, and tell me what I need to fix using those side comment things. I beg you. I am absolutely rubbish at writing and grammar in general. Anyone want to give some input let me know.

Also for this story, I kind of don't have a plot and I don't know much about the naruto verse as I only just started to get back to watching it. So bare with me and hopefully you enjoy.

Also as we all know I don't anything but the possible plot.

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