Chapter 1: Rejection

Start from the beginning

“Hey Kale!” I beam and wave to him.

His eyes rise from his locker and he turns to see me. I notice him take a quick up-and-down check of me. Perfect. So far so good.

“Hey…” His voice trailed off.

“Olivia.” I filled in for him.

“Yeah, yeah, Olivia, I knew that. But man, have you changed over the summer.”

By this time, I am standing next to him. He’s leaning against his now closed locker in that oh-so-sexy way that only belongs in movies. I study his sun-colored face and look him straight in the dark eyes with a smile.

“In a good way or a bad way?” I tease.

He cracks into a smile. “A very good way.”

“In that case, I have something I’d like to ask you.”

C’mon, Liv! You can do this! I encourage myself. Just then, I notice his eyes wander. And not in the good way either. His gaze is completely moved from me, and he seems to be staring at something past me. Have I lost his attention that quickly?

“Well,” I begin, trying to get him to focus on me again, “there’s this new movie coming out this weekend and I’d like it if—”

Kale’ eyes are still somewhere else down the hall. I swallow, hesitant. I’m starting to doubt myself. No! I can’t! I mentally kick myself. This is my chance!

“I’d like it if you’d come to—”

“—Yeah, yeah—” he mumbles.

“—see it with me?”

His deep brown eyes snap to my face again.

“Wait. Umm, what?” He asks.

He clearly had not been paying attention. I sigh.

“I was just saying that—”

“You know what?” Kale interrupts me again, staring past me, down the hallway again. “Can I just talk to you later or something? There’s somebody I need to… talk to right now.”

“Sure,” I say slowly.

“Thanks.” And with that, his eyes follow a new girl that is just passing us. He turns around to follow her to her locker, even though she has not even acknowledged him.

My heart squeezes and I clench my teeth together. Did that seriously just happen? Did I seriously just get… rejected? I feel Maddy’s hand on my shoulder for comfort, but I cannot take my eyes off of the scene unfolding in front of me.

“Hey, I haven’t seen you around here before. You new here?” Kale asks the girl flirtatiously.

She looks up at him, glaring.

“I’ve been going to this school with you for three years!” she snaps.

“Really? I’m surprised a girl as cute as you hasn’t talked to me sooner.”

Ouch. That hurt. I immediately feel awful. Just awful

“And I’m surprised a guy as shallow as you hasn’t been shut down yet,” she pauses. “Consider me the first.”

The girl slams her locker shut and storms down the hallway as the bell rings, leaving Kale speechless. After only a quick second of hesitation, he follows her down the hall. Tears begin to swell in my eyes, but I blink them away. I try so hard to look good, flirt, and invite him to the movies, yet he chases after the girl who outright insults him? My head spins. I turn to Carly and Maddy. Carly’s expression is utterly in awe and Maddy looks sympathetic.

“That dick!” Carly curses lowly.

“Hey, now, Liv, it’s okay. You’re better than him anyways,” Maddy says.

I straighten my posture to keep myself from looking shattered. I have to stay strong. I fix my confused and hurt expression into a nonchalant cool, pretending to blow it off like nothing.

“Let’s just go to class,” I say, already walking.

The tapping of my heels echo off the walls, and I can feel my blonde hair lightly bouncing on my shoulders. A group of boys I walk past whistles and I show them a smile. It’s not over yet.

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