She was surprised that the fist people she saw when she got to the airport were Avi and Kevin and from the looks of things they were the only ones there too. The guys didn't have a reputation of being late, Kevin was too much of a perfectionist to let them both sleep in longer than they should, but they certainly were never as early as she usually was.

Immediately, she approached Kevin, not wanting to make eye contact with Avi just yet, and pulled him into a hug even though they had only seen each other hours before.

"What are you doing here this early?" She giggled, not wanting to show she was uncomfortable with it just being the three of them.

Kevin gestured towards Avi and Kirstie was forced to glance at him. "This one misread Esther's text, we've been here nearly an hour now." He joked. While Kevin had a good idea what had happened between the two of them, he had no understanding of just how much their relationship was damaged by it.

"Typical." She rolled her eyes, trying to appear like she had found humour in the situation instead of the annoyance she felt at the prospect of having to make small talk with Avi.

The beatboxer's suddenly begun to glance around the airport, looking for someone in particular that he seemingly up until that point had forgotten about. "Where's Seth?"

"He had to leave straight away, he has an early meeting or something business-like." Waving it off like it was nothing, she lied through her teeth and hoped to god he believed her. Kirstie had been lying to the group and the rest of the world at just how happy her relationship was. She pretended he was this fantastic boyfriend that was head over heels in love with her so no one would ask questions, the lie had been continuing for months now and as much as she tried, she could never quite believe it herself.

"Oh okay." He didn't trust her, it was clear from his voice but Kevin was too polite to say anything. None of the group really liked Seth, they had never really seen eye to eye. He was way too businesslike to coincide with their fun natures so she doubted the fact he wasn't there pleased her two bandmates.

Shifting awkwardly, she turned to the smaller man and gave him a polite nod. No hug, just a nod of the head. "Avi."

"Kirst." He mumbled back and turned away, finding the encounter too antagonising that he didn't want to continue it. As much as she was used to it, it still stung her whenever he would act like this. They used to be so close.

The tension between them had created an awkward atmosphere over them all, she knew she had to get out of the situation, it was killing her. "...I'm going to get some Starbucks, do you guys want anything?"

"No, I'm good." Kevin replied quietly while Avi just shook his head. The uncomfortable situation appeared to be affecting them all, even Kevin, the eternal optimist.

Kirstie tapped the top of her suitcases awkwardly before walking away, she was desperate to leave that situation but she was cautious not to be rude about it. She hated being near Avi, it was always so uncomfortable between them. Once, long ago, he'd be the one that she would have hugged the longest, the first one she would have gone to, the one she would have hoped to sit next to on the plane but then everything changed. Seth and his cheesy jokes and well groomed hair had come into her life and she had forced Avi out. She had fallen head over heels for Seth, he seemed to be the man of her dreams so she made the conscious decision to start to push Avi and his flirty remarks away. She would wait days to reply to his text, whenever he smiled when he saw he she would smile back but ensured the smile looked forced, and more importantly she would ignore his attempts at flirting with her, she knew there was nothing behind them (that's how they had always acted) but she didn't want Seth seeing it and getting the wrong idea. In her mind, it had been the necessary price to pay to win over Seth but she knew now that she'd been stupid and as a result, she had lost an extremely good friend because of it. Yet the damage had been done, she'd never be close to Avi again.

She took her time getting her coffee, choosing not to return to the guys just yet until someone else turned up. Kirstie killed time by looking at the books a near by shop had to offer and snickered at how naive some of the titles sounded. The Prince Who Fell in Love; My Best Friend, My Boyfriend; Adoring My Secret Admirer. If only they knew that things never worked out like that, it hadn't for her... She bought one anyway, she loved a good trashy novel, they made her momentarily forget just how misleading life could be.

By the time she arrived, everyone save Mitch and Scott were there so she was relieved that she could have a conversation without having to stiffly talk to Avi. She felt his eyes on her though as she begun to chat to Mario about how excited they were, for some reason she could always feel when his eyes were on her, it was like his stare worked her atoms up into a frenzy making her feel weak at the knees. 

Esther begun to round them all up the moment an over excited Scott bounded through the doors of the airport followed by an extremely tired Mitch who looked like he was ready to murder someone if they looked at him funny. Somehow, she managed to get a group of fifteen groggy and sleepy people into the check in line in a matter of minutes and proceeded to check if everyone had gotten their passports. Since she had left her luggage with Kevin and Avi, Kirstie was forced to get in the line behind the two but luckily Mario had followed her so at least she had someone to talk to so she could avoid talking to Avi.

Once she had retrieved her boarding pass from the women behind her counter and placed her bags on the conveyer belt, it dawned on her to question who she was sitting next to. If the airline had seated them alphabetically, she'd be fine but if they were sorting it in the order they got their boarding passes, there was a good chance she'd be sitting next to Avi who had gotten his ticket just before hers and since they were flying first class, there was a high chance that they would be sitting in twos. Anxiously, she waited for Mario to finish his chat with the cheery woman who checked them in, hoping to God that he'd either be sat next to him or his seat number will tell her they were alphabetically seated. However his ticket didn't revealed to her the news she was hoping for, he was in the row behind her at the other side of the aisle. It took her a second for all the gears in her brain to click together but when they did, she groaned realising that all her fears were coming true.

She was sitting with Avi. Probably alone together... Great.


It's not the best opening chapter, usually I like to start things a little dramatically but it didn't feel right with this story - I kinda want it to be a slow burner, you know so it feels like it could be true? 

Anyway please vote/comment if you enjoyed - the next chapter should be up Sunday.

Question: What ships, if any, would you also like to see make and appearance in this story?

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