5- Party Life

Depuis le début

"Can you please not touch me," I said almost on the verge of tears.

Nate turned around and realized how uncomfortable I was. He looked at our joined hands and let go quickly. "Sorry," he said blushing and running his hand through his hair.

"What store do you usually go to?" Nate asked me once we arrived inside the mall.

I've never been to the mall except with my mom just the other day, but I'm sure no one was suppose to know that. "Anywhere is fine," I said uncertainly.

"Okay..." He trailed looking at me suspiciously. "Let's go to Brandy Mellvile girls like that store right?" He asked.

I nodded my head and began to walk to the store. There was so much to choose from. Where would I begin. I mentally slapped myself.

Nate will tell me what to look for. I stared at Nate and he stared at me.

Silence. More silence. Quiet. "What are you waiting for?" Nate asked breaking the silence.

"Aren't you going to tell me what to buy?" I asked him confusingly.

"Buy what you want to wear..." He said also confused.

Well what if I didn't know what I wanted to wear?

"Have you ever boughten your own clothes?" Nate asked as if a joke and began to laugh.

I stared at him in silence.

"No," I thought to myself.

He stopped laughing when he realized I wasn't joining. "It's easy. You look at something and if they match, and you like it. Buy it!" He said like it was the easiest thing to do.

I shook my head and started for the different styles of clothing not questioning what he told me to do.

Once I found something I thought was appropriate, the both of us walked to the cash register. "That'll be $160," the woman said cheerfully looking at Nate longer than normal.

"Wow. That's it," Nate said getting his wallet out. He looked at me when I wasn't saying or doing anything. "Aren't you going to stop me?" He ask his credit card in his hand.

He didn't ask me to so, "no."

"Okay then," Nate said giving the cashier his card.

"Have a lovely day!" She said all her teeth showing gladly.

"Yeah," Nate said taking the bag and holding it for me, ignoring the cashier. Which was odd. My mom always made me hold the bags. "Let's go," he said nodding his head to the exit sign.

I looked at how angry the cashier looked at me and followed Nate out the store.

  "She likes you," I said as we walked out the mall.


"The cashier."

"What makes you so sure about that?" He asked smiling.

  "She kept on looking at you," I said now stopping too.

  "Are you jealous?" He asked stepping closer to me. 

  "Jealous of what?" I asked him confused.

  "Is that your way of joking around?" Nate asked walking to his car.

"I didn't make a joke," I thought to myself.

Once we were in the car and driving Nate asked, "why didn't you let me see what you were wearing?"

I'm Just Too NiceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant