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Being 8 months fucking sucks. I keep getting fake contractions that hurt like hell. I'm always so mad at everyone. Chase kicks so much that I can't even sleep.

Liam tries to help but never does anything for the pain. He rubs my back and feet and that soothes the ach a bit but the contractions are horrible.

My cravings are still disgusting but now all I ever want to eat was chicken with peanut butter. Its disgusting but it's what Chase wants.

I could tell Liam was very nervous for the arrival. We have a bouncer in the living room and a small table in the kitchen to change him.

I was laying on the couch with Chase kicking hard. Ive been rubbing my stomach trying to calm him down but he was just to hyper.

I sighed, "Liam!"

I heard the thudding of him running down the stairs. He came around the corner and sat on the floor next to me.

"Is he worked up again, babe?" I nod and Liam started rubbing my stomach. Chase kicked hard at his hands but then calmed down.

Liam kissed right above my belly button, "You need to be good for your papa, Chase. He's been through a lot for you."

I smiled at his words and Liam came over to give me a small kiss.

"I love you, Niall," he said and rested his head on my stomach. I giggled as his beard tickled it slightly.

"I love you too, Liam." We just sat there for a bit until my stomach growled. I blushed as Liam laughed.

"I'll start dinner. What do you want?" I gave him a look.

"What do you think?" I snapped. Liam pulled back a bit and I could see the small bit of hurt in his eyes.

"OK. I'll go get some chicken." He got up and left. I felt extremely bad. I didn't mean to snap. It just happened.

I grabbed the side of the couch and gave out a little grunt as I stood up. I almost like waddled into the kitchen.

Liam was over the sink setting the frozen chicken into the hot water. I went and wrapped my arms around him. My stomach pushed into his back and my hands barly touched on his abbs. His fine, delicious, lickable ab.. Niall! You're apologizing!

"Liam. I'm sorry. Its just the hormones are making me all mad at you. Please don't be mad." The thought of Liam being mad at me brought tears. He turned around, his face was a bit mad but it quickly softened as he looked at me.

"Babe. I know. It's just a bit frustrating. I'm not mad just a little irritated." I rested my head against his muscular shoulder blade.

"I'm really sorry. Please forgive me." He turned completely around in my grip and cupped my face.

"Of course I do. I love you." He kissed my lips softly and smiled down at me.

"I love you too. " I smiled back.

"Go rest your feet and back, babe. Dinner will be awhile." I nodded and went back into the living room. After laying down, I dozed off a bit until Liam woke me up.

He helped me to the kitchen for dinner. We started eating.

I ate the usual disgusting chicken smeared in peanut butter until I bad contraction hit me.

I dropped my fork and clutched my stomach. I have out a yelp as the pain sharply attached my abdomen. Laim shot up and was at my side on seconds. He held my hand as the pain faded away.

"God I hate those," I said, sitting up straight and rubbe dthe Sid eof my stomach.

Liam let out a little sigh and kissed my stomach. I looked down at him and immediately knew what he was thinking about.

"Nervous huh?" I asked, already knowing the answer. He looked up and back down onto my tummy.

"Yeah......a bit......."

"Don't worry, Liam. You'll be a wonderful dad. Just imagine when he's finally here." I said with a smile. Just imagining our baby made me grin. He signed and kissed my stomach again.

"Yeah he's going to be beautiful like you." He came up and pecked my lips before going back to his dinner.

I blushed and went back to eating. Why does he have to make me such a emotional mess?"

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