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I sighed and sat down. I'm 4 months and my stomach is definitely showing it. It's starting to round out and harder for me to get up and move on my own. Liam had helped me down the stairs this morning and it's hard for me to go to the bathroom by myself.

Liam had gone to work as always and I was alone. He decided he was gonna take off starting when I was 7 months. I sighed again. 3 more months and it was gonna just get worst. I know Liam would take off work if I asked him but we need the money.

I flipped through the T.V. channels but as usual nothing interesting was on. I turned off the T.V. and played on my phone. I soon got bored and decided to call someone over. Louis, Harry, and Addex were all at work but I knew Zayn didn't have a job since Addex insisted he could pay for both of them which was true since he was a business partner in one of the biggest companies in the U.K. I decided to text him.

N: Hey Z, want to come over?

Zayn answered almost immediately.

Z: Sure. I'm gonna go and take a shower first.

N: K

I laid there for about a half an hour before the door swung open

"Jesus Christ, Zayn! Learn how to knock." I put a hand over my chest dramatically. Zayn just giggled and plopped down next to me. I glared at him and put a protective hand over my stomach.

"Sorry," Zayn put his hands on my stomachand I moved mine. He always loved to coo over the baby.

"Has he start moving yet?" Zayn asked and I shook my head. I sighed and looked down at my stomach. The baby hasn't started moving and I really wanted to feel it. Call me a woman but I really did want to know my baby was in there.

Zayn removed his hands, "Don't worry. He will. Just give him time. He's probably like you. Such a procrastinator."

"Shut up! I am not. Now go get me potato chips with peanut butter." Zayn gave me a weird look.

"Peanut butter? With chips?"

"You heard me. I'm pregnant, I have cravings. Now go." I pointed to the kitchen. Zayn sighed and got up.

"I didn't think I was gonna turn unto your servant when you asked me to come over."

I shrugged and started playing floppy bird on my phone. Zayn went into the kitchen and started rummaging.

"Yo! Where's the peanut butter?" He called.

"In the cupboard." I yelled back.

"Which cupboard?"

"Figure it out." I heard him mumble something inaudible but ignored it. He came in just when I died.

"God dammit!" I threw my phone on the couch next to me and reached for my food. Zayn handed it to me and sat in the recliner. He had a beer with him and sipped at it. I munched on my food and told Zayn to put on Tarzan. After much protest, he finally got off his arse and put it on.

Not even watching the movie, we started arguing who was cuter, Jane or Tarzan. I mean obviously Tarzan. Look at those muscles and perfect features. It's tantalizing.

When the movie was almost done, Zayn's phone vibrated. He picked it up and smiled.

"Who is it?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Addex is wondering where I am. He's so cute." He squealed and fell out of the chair. I laughed and he glared before standing up.

"I better get going before he gets too worried. Bye." He opened the door and left. I sighed as I was once again alone. I looked at the time and realized Liam should be home any minute. I carefully stood up and threw away the empty bag of chips and put the almost empty jar of peanut butter away.

I heard the door open from the living room.

"Welcome home, Liam," I called and walked into the living room. I stopped when I saw Liam. He was carrying a huge box. He kicked his shoes off and walked over to me.

"Hey babe." He gave me a quick kiss before setting the box down on the couch. I looked at him in confusion then at the box and back.

"What's that?" I indicated to the box. He smiled and ushered me over to him and the box. He opened and ushered me to look in. I gave him a weird look before bending over to look in. My breathe hitched as I looked in. There were 3 little baby German shepherds all squirming around. They were all laying around in a bright pink blanket.

I looked up at Liam, "Are these ours?"

Liam nodded, "Yep the owner didn't want the puppies. So we took care of them at the office until now. They're only 6 weeks. The ones with the green and blue collars are boys. The one with the purple collar is the little girl. I thought why not since we're bringing already bringing another edition to our family."

I felt myself redden as he said family. I was so happy that I felt like I was gonna explode. Liam was so adorable. I loved him. I bent over and grabbed the smallest pup in purple. She let out a little whine and cuddled to my body. I smiled down at her and looked at up Liam. He gave me a kiss before grabbing the other two. They too let out whines and Liam laid them down on the floor. One immediately got up and started carefully waddling around. The other laid on its stomach and looked up at us.

I smiled and sat down the girl. Like her brother she started waddling around.

"I'm gonna fence in our backyard for them and make some dog houses with Addex and Harry," Liam said and I nodded before turning back to the pups. Liam wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back into him.

"Have you thought of any names yet?" I thought for a second before nodding.

"Yeah the one in the green should be called Toby. The blue one should be named Mikey.
The girl should be Abby." I leaned back and Liam kissed my neck.

"Perfect. Besides now, while I'm at work, you can have some company." That's when Liam saw the beer can on the stand. He marched angrily over to it and picked it up.

"What the fuck is this!?" He yelled. He came over to me and grabbed my arm a bit too roughly. I let out a little cry and his grip loosened a bit.

"Niall! What the fuck have I told you about drinking!?" He spat in my face. Anger boiled to my surface. Does he really think I would do that to our baby? I yanked out of his grip and pushed him away.

"I didn't fucking drink, Liam! Zayn was over and that was his! I can't believe you would think I would do that! I love my baby and would never do anything to hurt him!" I pushed past him and up the stairs. He called out to me but I ignored him. It really hurt that he would blame me. It hurt more that he would grab me like that.

I slammed the door and locked it. I could hear Liam on the other side trying to open it and apologize but I ignored it. My arm was throbbing and I traced my finger around the mark. A bruise was forming on it and tears slip. I know he didn't mean it but it still really hurt.

Tears kept falling and I heard Liam sigh.

"Niall, I love you and the baby more than anything. I don't want to lose either of you. You should understand that I'm worried about you and the baby. I didn't think that you would do that but juts seeing that struck a nerve. I'm sorry for blaming you and grabbing you like that. I just love you so much."

I wiped away my tears and got up to open the door. When I did, I grabbed Liam around the waist and put my head into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me securely.

"I love you too, Liam. "

He held me closer and we stood there for what felt like hours. I didn't care though, I love Liam so much.

I'm sorry. I just really wanted Liam to bring home some puppies. Anyway

~ Libby ~

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