Sunny day

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It was extremely bright out today and I've been just laying inside doing nothing. I was too exhausted since I'm getting less sleep at night. I can't sleep on my stomach do its either my back or side.

My side gets cramps and my back is just sore from carrying the extra weight from my 5 month belly. I sighed and layed back. Liam is being so overprotective. Always calling me seeing if I'm ok.

I checked the time to see it was only 3 oclock. I closed my eyes and just when I was drifting off to sleep, the door banged shut.

I jumped and sat up slowly. I looked over at the door to see Liam taking his shoes off. I looked at him confused but he just came over and gave me tender kiss.

"Hey, babe." He pulled back and stretched.

"Ummm Liam. Why are you back early?" I asked and stood up carefully. Liam shrugged.

"We weren't that busy so I took the rest of the day off. So go get ready, I'm taking you on a date."

I look at him confused, "Date?"

Liam nodded, "Yep, a date. Oh and one last thing." He got on his knees and lifted up my shirt.

"Hello, my little baby boy. I hope you're growing good in there." Liam peppered my bulging stomach with light kisses. I giggled as his beard and mustache tickled me.

"Liam. Stop it," I whined and he stood up before giving me another quick kiss.

"Get dress, babe. I'm going to let the dogs out for a bit and then take a shower." I nod and he helped me carefully up the stairs before running back down to the whining dogs.

I changed carefully into one of Liam's tanktop and shorts. My clothes don't really fit anymore.

I heard Liam hurry up the stairs and come into our room and into our connective bathroom.

I sat on the bed and tried to slip on my socks. I pouted as my stomach got in the way. I'm so fucking fat. I outed and sniffed abit. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

I tried not to cry but a few tears slipped. Stupid hormones. I didn't hear Liam walk in until he sat down next to me. He wiped one of the tears away and kissed my nose. I smiled up at him.

"Hey, why is my baby so sad?" Liam asked.

I smiled, "It's just stupid hormones. I can't get my socks on. Nothing really. "

"It's is something if my baby is upset." Liam kissed my nose again before getting down and putting on my socks. I smiled and looked at my now clothed feet.

"Yay! We can go now!" I looked over at Liam and realized he was naked.

"After you get some clothes on." I got up and purposely swayed my hips more than I had to on my way out. I giggled as I heard him groan.

I carefully walked down the stairs and sat on the couch. Liam came down soon and grabbed his keys and wallet. He slipped on his shoes and turned to me.

"Ready to go, babe?" Liam asked and I shook my head. He looked at me confused and I pointed at my shoes and then to my feet.

Lima laughed and grabbed my shoes before slipping them on me. I squealed in happiness. Liam laughed again.

"Those hormones are really getting to you. Ready to go now?" I nod and he helps me get up.

"What about the dogs?" I asked as he helped me through the door.

"I left them outside with some water since it's nice out." I nod and get in the car. Liam drives fro about 20 minute shut then pulls over in front of a building.

"Stay here. I'll be back." Liam got out and I pouted. He won't tell me anything.

Liam arrived back with a bag 10 minutes later. He drive off again without a word. I couldn't help but wonder what is in the bag.

We drove into the woods for a hit and I closed my eyes since the bumpyness really got to me. I opened them when Liam stopped the girl and gasped.

There was a creek with trickling beautiful water about 5 feet surrounded by a huge grass area.

Liam grabbed my hand and helped me out of the car. He dragged me to the edge of the creek and sat me down.

Liam opened the bag and pulled out some desert wine and a cherry pie, my favorite. And of course some plates and glasses.

"Oh my god, Liam." This was perfect.

"Do you like it?" Liam asked looking my straight in the eye. I nod.

"I love it." I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him roughly. He fell back forward and took me with him. Liam's hand went to my hips and gripped them softly.

We kissed a couple more minutes before I pulled back.

"I love you, Liam." I rested my head on his chest and he kissed the top.

"I love you too, Niall." He sat up and sat me in his lap. I kept my head on his chest as he poured us two glasses of wine and put a huge chunk of pie on a plate.

I took a glass and sipped it. It was delicious and I smiled up at Liam. He smiled back and kissed my soft lips.

I was still sitting on his lap so he started feeding me the pie. He took a bite of it after everytime I took a bite. Soon we had eaten the whole pie and drinked all the wine.

I crawled out of his lap and Liam stood up. I watched as he removed his shirt showing off his wonderful 6 pack and pecs. I bit my lip trying not to moan. Next came off the shirts and his boxers were just so tight against his perfect body.

Liam looked at me with a smirk. He came over to me and took off my shirt and shorts. I was a bit confused until Liam lifted me up and started walking into the water.

"No Liam! Don't!" I struggled a but from him but he held on. I could feel his Goosebumps from the cold creek. Eventually he was chest deep and he set me down. It was basically at my neck but Liam held my hand to keep me up.

I shivered slightly from the coldness but then jumped in the water. My legs floated in the water and Lain grabbed them, holding me again.

I giggled and decides to koala him. He laugh and kissed me softly before dunking us both under water.

"God dammit, Liam!" I said as we came back up. Liam pouted.

"But you look so good with your hair wet, babe." I rolled my eyes and kissed him again. We splashed around a bit.

When we got out, I laid Liam still half naked in the grass and decided to thank him for the date befroe we left. That's one thing to cross off the buck list.

Ha. I thought this was cute. Am I wrong? Idk.
~ Libby ~

Why now? (Niam mpreg)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن