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7 months and just barely holding on. This is horrible. It hurts to do anything. And the best thing is that Addex and Zayn were getting married in 2 weeks.

We just got home from my appointment and I was tired. I layed down on the couch and Liam sat on the edge.

"No more work, babe. So i get to stay home and take care of my babies." Liam rubbed my stomach and I smiled.

Suddenly, a big whoosh of pressure pressed on my stomach. Liam seemed to felt it too as his eyes widened. I sat up into my elbows and put my hand on my stomach.

Almost immediately another source pressed back. Liam and I looked at eachother for a second.

"Is he....did he just?" Liam started rambling. I smiled widely.

"He's kicking! He's kicking Liam!" I squealed and he smiled back. He leaned over and pecked my lips.

I curled up to him and he pressed his hands to my stomach again. Chase started kicking at his hand sand it was a bit uncomfortable but I didn't complain.

My baby was actually kicking. He was doing just fine. We were worried because ehe was starting late but it was ok.

I looked up at Liam again and he kissed my lips, "What do my babies want for dinner?"

I thought for a moment before answering, "porkchops."

Liam laughed and kissed my nose, "Stop being so damn cute."

I shrugged and he kissed my lips softly.

"I'm going to run downstairs so they can thaw out." I nod and he ran off. I sighed and rubbed my stomach as Chase kept kicking wildly. He's definitely going to be a runner.

Suddenly my phone rings and I answer it, "Hello."

"N-Niall. I-I need to t-talk to you."Louis's shaky voice came from the other side.

"Louis? What's wrong?" I asked. It's not like the sass master to be like this.

"I-I have a problem and I'm not sure who to turn to except you." He said quietly. Something was definitely wrong.

"Come over, Louis am we'll talk about it." I said and he agreed. Liam came back upstairs and said we were out of tenderizer.

"I'm going to get some. Do you want anything?" I nodded and pulled out a list that would definitely take him awhile. He laughed and gave me a small kiss before leaving.

I waited until Louis arrived. He was all sweaty an dit was obvious he had been crying. His hands held alittle bag that were shaking horrible.

"Louis! Sit down. " I patted the seat next to me and he did.

"What's wrong?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I-I don't know wh-what to do, N-Niall. H-he will leave me if I tell him." He cried into my shoulder.

"Tell who? What?" He pulled out something from his bag and handed it to me.

"Harry..and this.." He whispered. My eyes grew wide with realization. This was a pregnancy test and it was positive. I looked in his bag and there were two more that both said positive.

"L-Louis..I said and wrapped my arms around him. He cried into me without even breathing. He needed to calm down before he hurt himself.

"Louis..please calm down." He nodded and soon his breathe became steadier.

"When did you figure this out?" I asked. Louis took in a shudder breathe.

"I just found out. I don't know what to do. I didn't think this could happen to me! It's like super rare." He settled his head into his hands. I rubbed my stomach and the baby kicked at it.

"Well it happened to me. Louis, you know Harry is going to be thrilled." Louis looked up at me.

"But why now? We've had unprotected sex before. " I shrugged.

"I'm not really sure. It just happens. You should be happy, you're having a baby. Oh and I'm going to be an uncle! I squealed with excitement. Louis gave me a small smile.

"You seem more excited to be an uncle than to be a dad," he said, quietly, and I shrugged.

"I'm just really nervous about Chase coming, I need something ot take my mind off of it and this is perfect." I smiled widely to cheer him up but it wasn't very effective.

"Well, how am I suppose to tell Harry. What if he doesn't want a baby?" Louis sunked into the couch more.

"Louis, don't say that. I know Harry will be happy to have a baby. You both love eachother and want kids."

"B-but what if he doesn't think it's right timing?"

I gave him a stern look and placed my hands on my hips, "Well then I'll shove a cactus up his ass and keep it there until he comes to common sense."

Louis giggled and smiled slightly. He might seem sassy and strong but really Louis us alot like me.

"You do that. How should I tell him?"

I thought for a second before reaching over Louis. I grabbed his phone and searched through it while he gave me a weird look.

"Like this." I dialed the number and Louis's eyes grew wide as Harry picked up.

"Ello?" He asked. Louis looked at me terrified as i out it in speakerphone. I ushered for him to talk and he took in a shaky breathe.

"H-hey Harry." Was all he did and I gave him a 'really? Stop being a cunt' look.

"Hey babe. What's wrong? Is everything alright?" I looked at Louis, fucking daring him to lie. Louis took a deep breathe.

"A-actuallh Harry. I have to tell you soemthing important."

"Ok....what's up?"

Louis looked at me with fearful eyes and back at the phone, "I'm pregnant."

There was silence for a couple seconds before he answered.

"A-are you serious?" Harry asked. A single tear slipped from Louis's eye.

"Y-yea.." He said quietly. Harry didn't answer for a minute so i motioned for Louis to keep going.

"Well. I-I can't get rid of it! S-so with or without you, i...." He was cut off by Harry.

"This is great! We're going to have a baby!" Louis looked up at me shocked and I smiled brightly.

"Y-you're not mad?" He asked.

"No. Why would I be mad?"

He looked away from the phone, "I-I don't know."

"Well babe, I'll be home 11 so don't go to sleep til we talk."

"Ok...I love you." Louis said hesitantly and I gave him 'Do you really expect him to stop' look.

"I love you too, babe." And with that Harry hung up. I cleared my throat and crossed my arms.

"Say it." Louis looked up at me and sighed.

"You were rjsmskdl." He looked away but I shook head.

"i can't hear you."

"Ok. You were right Niall. I'm going to head home now and you can tell Liam just not Zayn or Addex. I want to tell them at their wedding. "

I nodded and Louis grabbed his stuff and left. I smile do myself and leaned back the couch. I sat like that until the door opened again.

"Hey babe. You look happy." Liam gave me a quick kiss and I smiled.


" Did something happen while I was gone?" Liam quirked his eyebrow. I smile and shook my head.

"Nope. Nothing at all."

Ok so i put a larry stylinson baby in there. Any gender selections from anyone or names, let me know and I'll think about it.
~ Spencer ~

Why now? (Niam mpreg)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें