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Nialls pov

Chase is now 7 months and is growing quickly. He's so beautiful. Looks just like his dad if you ask me.

Louis is huge. OK smaller than me but still. Anne Marie was do any day now.

Yes they decided to go with Anne Marie. And truly it was beautiful. Louis was sitting in our living room while the boys we're at work. I was feeding Chase and he was whining about her getting out.

"Why can't she just come?! This is stupid! I love her with all my heart but why can't she be ready?" He rubbed his stomach softly and I chuckled.

"Relax, she'll come when she's ready." I pulled the bottle from Chases lips and burped him. We've been weining him onto the bottle and he's actually taking it now.

"I know but still," Louis muttered. I ignored him and laid Chase down on the floor. He rolled onto his back and giggled up at me.

I cooed down at our beautiful baby. Chases hair had lightened to a beautiful light brown. His bright blue eyes seemed to light up the room. He truly was beautiful.

He also has started rolling and crawling. We usually just out up gates in the doorways to make sure he doesn't go anywhere he's not suppose to.

"Hey baby." I smiled down at him and played with his little feet. He giggled again and kicked his feet. He was almost always a happy baby.

Louis cooed at us with a smile, "I can't wait to do that with Anne." He rubbed his stomach slightly but suddenly his face twisted in pain.

"Uh Louis. Are you OK?" He shook his head just as he let out a yelp of pain. I ran to his side, leaving Chase looking confused.

"Is she coming?" He shrugged.

"I-I don't kn-know. Ow! Fuck th-this hurts." He whimpered. I helped him through the pain until it faded.

"Louis I'm pretty sure you're in labor. I'm going to get Chase ready and help you to the car." He nodded and I grabbed Chase. I quickly strapped him in his carseat and put him in the car, with the door open so he doesn't overheat. While doing this, I managed to call the hospital so they we're ready for us.

I ran back to find Louis whimpering from another contraction. I let it pass before helping him up and out the door.

After getting him in the car, I closed Chase's door and slid in the drivers seat. Louis kept whimpering and crying out in pain.

Chase was getting scared and had started crying. I tried to hush him a bit while I drove but it was kinda complicated.

Finally when I pulled into the parking lot. People we're already out and ready for us. They took Louis out of the car and disappeared in the building with him.

I sighed and tried to settle my pounding heart. Chase was still crying so I got out and got him out. His little hands clutched onto my shirt and I bounced him a little bit.

"Its OK, babe. You're OK. Shhh." I said gently until he had calmed down. I sighed and walked into the hospital. It was a cool March day so it was a bit shivering out.

I held Chase on my hip and pulled out my phone. It was about 5:30 and I had 4 missed calls from Liam and 2 from Harry. They both get off at 5 and probably went to our house to not find us there.

I called Lima back and he almost answered immediately.

"Niall! Where are you guys?!" I pulled the phone away from my ear but still could hear him. Chase looked at me with curious eyes, confused of hearing his daddy's voice. I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him.

He giggled and buried his face into my chest. I rubbed his back and pulled the phone back to my ear.

"LIAM calm down. Were at the hospital. Louis's in labor." I explained and I could hear Harry freaking out in the background.

"Shit. OK we're coming now. I love you." He said and I could hear rustling in the background.

"I love you too." I sighed and put my phone away. I readjusted Chase and carried him down the hall to Louis's room.

He was already set up and was withering in pain.

"Niall, if I had ever made fun of you for being a wous, I take it back." He said through gritted teeth.

I chuckled, "The boys are coming. Just try to relax." He nodded and it was quiet for abit. The only sound was Louis whimpering and me hushing him gently.

Suddenly the door flung open and a sweaty looking Harry ran through.

"Louis! Oh my god, babe! Are you ok?!" He rushed to Louis's side and Louis rolled his eyes.

"I don't know, harry. I'm about to push a baby out of my ass. I think I'm just amazing." His voice got weaker as he talk and was basically a whimper at the end.

"I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry." Harry mumbled, kissing Louis's head. Suddenly the doctor came in and gave us all a smile.

"Hello everyone. I'm just gonna check how dilated you are, Louis." Louis nodded and the doctor checked.

"Your ready to push. I'll call some nurses in to hold your legs." While he did that, I felt an arm wrap around my waist.

I smiled and looked up at Liam, "Hey babe. Hey Chase." He pecked my lips and kissed Chase's forehead.

Chase giggled and buried his face into my neck. I chuckled and kissed Liam's cheek, "Hi."

The doctor came back with two nurses and the worked with Louis to get him comfortable and legs spread for the birth.

Liam and I knew we had to leave so we turned toward the door. Before we were completely out, Liam yelled in.

"Harry! Remember don't look!" And ran out with me. I turned to Liam with wide eyes.

"Liam James Payne!" I hit his chest and he just laughed.

"Don't touch the nipples. Just because they aren't as sensitive as you doesn't mean you can play with them." He laughed harder and i glared at him.

Chase had started falling asleep on my shoulder and I bounced him slightly. Liam wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


After the birth

We were all sitting in the hospital while Louis held their little girl. Zayn and Addex had showed up also.

She was beautiful. Little hair though but had a slight curl to it. Deep blue eyes that she refused to open now as she was asleep.

Louis was basically sleeping with her on his chest. Harry was sitting next to him, smiling down at his family. Family, it seemed right for them.

I was on Liam's lap with Chase sleeping in my arms. I felt him shuffle abit and suddenly his hand was in front of me, holding a velvet box.

My eyes widened and tears filled them. I felt Liam's hot breath against my ear, "Will you marry me?"

The tears fell and I silently nodded and Liam wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer.

I silently cried in his arms while everyone watched. I looked through my tears at everyone and realized something.

This is it. This is our own families. This is why now.

Last Chapter!! Should I make a sequel?! Let me know please.
~ Spencer ~

Why now? (Niam mpreg)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt