Where's Harry?

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I woke up to an empty bed. Looking at the time, it was 9:30. Liam had already left. I got up and changed. I made my way downstairs and looked for food. I whined to myself and grabbed the newly bought nutella Liam had bought yesterday.

I plopped down on the couch and started eating my nutella. Not even bothering to check the news, I went straight to Spongebob.

I watched about 3 episodes when my phone went off.

"Hello, " Silent in praying it wasn't Josh, I answered it.

"Niall! We just heard about Josh! Are you? We're coming over right now!" Louis yelled through the speaker.

Before I could even answer, he hanged up. I let out a groan and went back to my cartoon.

20 minutes later, someone knocked on the door. I ignored it, knowing it was Harry and Lou. But it just continued.

"Niall James Horan, if you don't open this door right now, I won't hesitate to start screaming." Louis warned.

I groaned and got up. Louis doesn't do threats without action. I opened the door and was tackled into a hug.

"Thank god you're ok. We were so worried. We just saw it on the news," Harry wouldn't let go of me.

"Thanks for the concern guys," I tried to get out of Harry's death grip with Louis help, " But I'm perfectly fine."

I know I lied but I don't want them to worry. Louis observed me silently while he pulled Harry off of me.

"Niall, I've been your best mate since Kindergarten. I know your lieing so spit it out. You're scared aren't you."

I looked down and nodded. Louis put his arm around me, "It's ok to be scared, mate. After all that torture, I would be afraid too."

I smiled up at him and we all sat down on the couch.

"How did you guys know I was home?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"We knew that Liam wouldn't let you go to work with that murderer on the loose. Had he contacted you?" Harry looked at me concerned.

I debated on whether or not to tell the truth. I decided to tell them, I mean, they'll learn eventually.

I nodded, "Yea a couple days but haven't got anything since. Liam thinks it was an empty threat. But I don't know."

Harry nodded and Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's waist.

We just sat around pretty much all day until Liam came home. He jumped a bit when he saw Harry and Louis.

"Ummm, what are you two doing here?"

Harry pulled an almost sleeping Louis closer to him, "We heard about Josh and decided to come over to make sure Niall was ok. And we kinda stayed the whole day."

Liam nodded and took off his coat, "Don't you guys have work or something?"

Harry shook his head, "No I got the week off because of vacation time and Louis took the day off."

Liam nodded and gave me a quick kiss. He ran up stairs to get dress and I was left with those two once again. Harry moved some hair our of Louis's eyes and kissed his eyelids softly. They fluttered but refused to open.
I sighed at their cuteness. Harry was a nurse at the hospital and luckily he hadn't heard anything about me. Louis worked as tattoo and piercing parlor.

Before Harry came into his life, Louis used to work at a gay strip club. He didn't want to and he was violated so many times but he needed the money. I always told him to quit, I hated seeing him like this.

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