Chapter 5 - Holy. Friggin'. Matrimony.

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“So you guys hit it off at the bar?”

“Well, she was a topless waitress, so of course I went after her. At first, she didn’t seem interested in me, but we talked. I think I was telling her how you were a good friend of mine when she decided to ask me out. I think she might be the one; I’ve already gotten her in bed—”

“STOP! I don’t need to know anymore. We’re here anyways.”

Josh opened the door for me as I stepped out of the car cautiously, making sure not to bonk Holly’s head on the top of the car doorway. Oh wait…

I needed to pay Josh! I definitely didn’t want him to reach into my back pocket for my wallet, because… if that wouldn’t look weird, then I don’t know what would. I didn’t want to hand Holly over to Josh either because being the perverted friend he is, he would probably look down her shirt. Josh hadn’t seem to notice the absence of his payment, for he stepped back into the cab. I guess I valued Holly’s privacy over my appearance.

“Wait! Josh! I need to pay you! My wallet is in my back pocket!”

He poked his head out the car doorway, “Um, that is not happening. People will think I’m scratching your butt or something. And you’re not paying me.”

“You gotta make a living, man.”

“Not from you! You need to save your money to bust Bailey out of that prison!”

Josh knew I was saving up money to “buy” Bailey. In fact, he had lived at the same orphanage; so he knew Bailey and what a terrible place the Institute for the Destitute was.

He shut the car door, turned the key in the ignition, and revved the engine.


Josh rolled down the window. “Yeah?”

“You’re a good friend.”

He smiled smugly, “I know.”


My head throbbed achingly; it felt as if someone was beating my head like a drum. And they weren’t beating lightly.

Blake’s bleary face wavered in front of mine, “You okay?”

I moaned again, unable to respond. A finger was put to my lips, “Shh… shh….”

He lifted me, cradling me like a fragile baby, and he rocked me gently, occasionally mumbling, “It’s alright, you’re okay… you’re okay….”

I hugged him tightly, trying to ease my mind off the pain. He stiffened then relaxed hesitantly. It was so weird; sometimes Blake looked like he wanted to kiss me; other times, he seemed to want to run away.

“D-do you need some Tylenol?”


He immediately put me down on the couch and escaped to the kitchen in search of Tylenol. Ugh, this was the worst headache I’ve ever had. What had happened? We were at the hospital… and Dr. Fathead was saying… oh no. No, no, no… this was not happening. Adrian will live.

Blake had come back with a Tylenol pill and a cup of water. “Here.”

“Thanks.” I swallowed the pill and downed it with a swig of water.

“Um, do you need anything else?”

“I don’t think so. So you’ve been acquainted with Adrian’s doctor?”

“Yeah, we were… friends. Back in the day,” Blake said cautiously.

“Oh. Cool.” I nodded.

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