"Boss! You're here. Guys be quiet the Boss is back!" Ben said trying to calm everyone down, but that didn't exactly work.

I yelled and they did. "Okay now tell me why I needed to be here?"

"Well it seems that we have some new recruits and thought we should call you about it."

"Ben you are my right hand, you and mother can handle this when I'm not around. Just make sure they know how to behave when I'm around. I'll check on who they are later. Goodbye." With that I went back to the beach.

Getting on my bike and heading back I hear them all go back to yelling. Idiots.

When I got close enough I could see the sun near the horizon but not setting just yet. Maybe I could spend some more time here with Haruhi before we have to leave.

"Hey Haruhi look up here!" A girl from earlier yelled.

"Be careful on the edge, don't fall!" She said to them. Those girls are odd, just standing on an edge like that.

"Hey there are chicks up there!" Oh no, I thought this was supposed to be a private beach today. What are those boys doing here.

"Leave them alone!" Oh gosh Haruhi. I run up the cliff hoping to get there before they do anything to rash, that was until I saw them throw Haruhi. I was going to jump after her but I saw Tamaki do that for me and I trusted him enough to save her. Now about those boys.

"Hey! Who do you think you are?! This is a private beach and you shouldn't be here." I said giving the a cold glare. Hmmm something was up with these boys because they just smirked at me.

"Oh and who are you to be yelling at members of the Legend gang huh? You better step back before you get hurt little boy." I saw Kyoya and the others behind them.

"Kyoya stay back I need to have chat with these boys." Looking at the boys I pulled out my phone. " Ben I want you down to the beach right now. And bring mother with you." Putting my phone away I spoke " Now look here boys, I called a few of my friends and you might know them. Since I called them they should be here in a bit so if you want to save your selves I'd leave."

"Oh yeah?! And who's gonna make us!"

"Me." and with that they ran at me. So dumb. One threw a punch at me, I grabbed his fist, turned him around and kicked him into his friend. They got up and came at me again but before they could Ben and mother came.

"Ben! Help us beat some sense into this little prick." He walked closer to them and punched them both.

"You stupid knuckle heads! What do you think you're doing?!"

"Huh?" They made me laugh a little because of their confusion.

"Just in case you didn't know" I said "I'm the boss of the Legend gang.
Ben didn't I tell you to make sure they knew how to behave when I'm around?"

"I did ma'am but they must of forgotten how you looked like because obviously they didn't follow my instructions."

"You boys are going to apologize to those girls right now." I said to them.

"And if we don't?" What's with the disrespect.

" You'll die. I am not one for harassment so if you don't, I'll make sure that you are killed right here right now." I could see them shaking, knowing I wasn't playing around.

"We are very sorry for bothering you girls. We will be more careful next time we want to talk to a girl." They said and left with Ben and mother.

I looked to Kyoya and the others. "I am very sorry for what happened today. I'll make sure to have them punished when I get back to HQ." I let out a sigh and noticed Tamaki getting to shore with Haruhi.

"Are those girls okay?"he asked

"Yes we sent them home with flowers as an apology gift." Kyoya answered.

"And those boys?"

"I took care of them. Apparently they were the new recruits so I taught them a lesson and sent them to the gang."
He nodded and put Haruhi down.

"What were you thinking? What could you have possibly done against two boys?" I was going to step in but I could understand were he was coming from.

"I was there and I helped."

"You aren't Honey-senpai or Y/N you don't know martial arts so why did you confront them? You just a girl!"

"It could've been worse if I did nothing."

Yeah I know a cliff hanger after not updating for so long? Well I don't exactly have many ideas for my part in all of this plus it's late and my Brian isn't working right now. So night!
And I'll see you all later~

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