Dark knight rises

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I got to the hq and didn't see joker anywhere. Then I heard a noise from the closet.

So I opened it and seen Barbara tied up.I quickly bend down and took the tape off her mouth and ask, "what happened?"

She told me that joker and his crew barg in and tied her up and threw her in here

By time she was finished telling me this I had her untied and back in her wheel chair.

Then I told her about what the joker did and she couldn't believe it.

Then popped on the screen the joker.

J: how did you like our show blue. See I told you not to mess with me.

An if you try i will make it much worst then the connection went dead

Barbara was telling me to calm down as I started to shake in anger.

I turned around and left as babs hollowed my name.

Once I got to the door that lead outside I wrote an note and left in on the door for dick apologizing for having his cousin killed and that's something I would have to live with for the rest of my life.

I quickly jumped on my bike and just drove not knowing where I was going just going.

I was gone from Gotham and bludheaven for about 10 months and I change my suit

An decided to get back with Helena and we would go and rob homes.

To me it felt like we were bonie and Clyde every time we did something bad it always lead to us making love.

Being with Helena made me forget about everything and it was just me and her.

I even proposal to her and she said yes.

but right now she was out of town. when I seen on the news that Gotham was under attack.

I quickly text Helena to see where she was at and she didn't answe.

So I decided to leave her a voicemail.

Hey babe if you see the news right now.... Then you would know that gotham... Is under attack...
An I dont feel right sitting here and doing nothing.... So what am trying to say is am going out their and it looks pretty bad and if I don't come back promise me you would move on....

I love you.... 

so I got my old suit that I was using with nightwing at the time and quickly made my way to gotham.

I walked into the doors and went to the batcave and in their was dick,Bruce,step, Damian.

I walked in and nobody notice me they were paying attention to the news.

"So when we going out their?"

They all turned around and stared at me.

"Are we going to save Gotham?"

B:"yes right now." I got out of my chair and patted blue Jay on his shoulder and whispered glad to have u back.

M: I smiled hearing bruce comment and watched as steph n Damian said they were glad I was back and follow Bruce upstairs.

I was just in a quite cave with dick all alone.

Look dick am sorr...

D: "don't be"

M: "your not mad?"

D: well at the beginning I was but I know u did everything u could and joker put u in a tricky situation.

D : I walked up to blue jay

As he backed up a little bit. "As your mentor am pround of this symbol." I pointed at the symbol on his chest and not the one you wear with helena.

I pulled him into a hug as it shocked him. As I slowly pulled back.

Now let's be the hero we where ment to be.

M: I could tell that dick was still disappointed with me. But I just stood quite as I snapped myself out of my thoughts and followed him up the stairs.

Batman gaves us orders of what to do since their was to many people to control because of bane.

Bruce said that step and Damian job where to go and help John Blake with helping gathering bystander.

As for me and dick to follow him.
We flew over the streets in the bat jet and seen all the officers in Gotham prepaired for a war. With the prisoners and bad guys that bane let out.

Once someone took off a fight broke out on the street of Gotham.

Bruce landed the jet as he went to look for bane. An me and dick went to help Gotham police force.

then once we got everything settled down.

We went to go check on Bruce we weren't to concern since we seen selena pull into the same building Bruce been in since we got here.

From the distance I seen a tiny explosion like a crashes has just happen as me and look at each other and went to the scene.

Their was Damian mother
Then she spoke.

T: Hey Bruce, "when where you going to tell the kid he more powerful than he thinks." When where you going to tell him who his real father is.

T: Or Is it because soon he could be more powerful then you ever could imagine because he Is the heir to the demons head.

B:"Shut up!!!" talia he is a good kid and being a part of the as ghul family well never change that.

Now tell me how to disarm the bomb.

T: oh brucey that is just not possible and soon my father mission well be accomplished.

So batman got in his bat jet which I was hiding in cause talia said something about him really knowing who my parents where and not telling me.

So once he got in the jet he started driving near the sea to get the bomb as far away as possible from Gotham.

And u can hear the tick go down because it was getting louder

Then I heard him start saying,"am not the hero anymore am not the hero anymore

Bruce want are u doing? and he
was shocked and somehow I talked him into letting hold the engage button. So we both can escape while he kept driving.

An then I told, "am sorry Bruce but your wrong a lot of people need you."

Like dick babs Jason damian Alfred and even Gotham.

You are Gotham hero... Bruce even if they don't think so... you are a hero.... You are my hero...

I slammed my finger hitting the button watching him fall through the escape hole tenths of a second later the bat jet exploded

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