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I was now more ready and prepaired to face nightwing then I was before since now I been training and with his help I will become more notice recognizable of what to do next.

Then we just started swing and kicking doing what ever we could to take the other one down.

Then it look like he was speaking to someone while we was fighting.

And it look like who ever he was talking to probley was helping him beat me and knew every moves I did.

Dick pov.

I was beating him since I had help from batman.

But then he started beating me down until I head robin aka Damien speak.


K Now stay calm I heard him saying through the ear piece.

D: K nighrwing here's what you do when I say hit Him with a uppercut.

N: I waited until he said too couple seconds later do it now I do once he said to hitting blue arrow right in the chin

Then robin told me to hit him with a left right then kicked him in the leg then the other legs

Ducked he screamed through the earpiece I did right before he threw a punch as it flew over the top of my head.

Then he screamed to grabbed his arm and flip him. So I did what he said and stomp my feet into his arm pit area.

I put my firgure onto the button that helped me talk to them. That be the only time I ever take advice from you.

So do you give up now I said looking at blue arrow.

Ba: not yet I went and sweeped his legs causing him to relase his grip from my arm with him falling to the ground.

I got on top of him and stated punching his mask trying to break the camera that I notice he had

Then I seen that something shatter and I finally seen his real eyes and not the white part of his mask

which am guessing is where the camera was.

as he kicked me off of him as I did a backfliped landing on my feet

I heard him trying to speak to who ever he was talking to

so that when i knew it was just me and Him now.

After the fight.

D: whoa I can't belive where you learn to fight like that.

M: Idk it's weird cause I never knew neither one of my parents.

well my mother I heard I knew her for one year of life then she was token from me.

But my step parents said that they didn't know where I came from.

So I grew in one of the toughest place bludhaven. Then I witness guys like batman and superman save the universe.

that's when I knew I didn't what to be a hero of the universe just my CITY.

It was awkward silence 30 sec then I spoke again so does this me I get my customed suit to.

Nigtwing said he was going to go get my suit worked on

16 months later.

Me and nightwing been training he tought me to shoot arrows better Then I could ever imagine.

And gave me high tech arrows like the green arrows use to do.

And better yet he got me a custom suit way better then my first one.

But of course you can get all that much when you are related to a billionaire

Speaking of Bruce I havnt really gotten to know him just every time me and nightwing needed help.

They would keep disntict and watched me like to make sure I didn't messed things up.

But now crime was down lately so dick was having me go vist another group called teen titans.

To see if their new leader arsenal / Roy Harper was ok.

So I said good bye and jumped on a flight to NEW YORK.

He told me what Roy and the other hero looked like. And their names were Raven, Starfire,Cyborg, Beast Boy.

I said goodbye to dick and Oracle.I got on the plane.

This would be my first time going to another place.

So I watched as the plane flew by the titans towers into the air ports.

I grabbed my suit case that had my suit and other things I needed

I got off the plane not knowing who I was searching for until I found a two guys holding a sign that said blue blue.

So I expected it to be for me cause this kids look to be around my age.

"Roy" I spoke to the the two teens.

R "yes blue arrow" I whispered to him as he said "yes" it was him.

We greeted each other I didn't tell them my real name but I told them I was blue arrow.

And arsenal is Roy Harper and the other guy was a robin before but was kicked out of the robin suit by dick. He greeted him self with the name Tim

R: so how about we go greet you to the others.

I said walking to my car with tim and blue arrow who never gave us his real name as we made our way across the rockey dirt pathway

that led to the titan tower that was build on a small piece of a mountain surrounded by the ocean.

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