Judgment day

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I woke up with Huntress with cloths on I just had boxers and shorts on.

I tried to get out but she had her arm's around me.

So I easily removed her arm and got my suit on to believe it was already the next night anyways.

An I quickly made my way back to bludhaven and instead going home I deciced to go on a quick patrol.

I seen batgirl fighting these thugs 4 on 1 the only reason I didn't go help her was because she was kicking all four of their asses

but when I saw one of them rushed at her with I knife

I shot an arrow at him hittig him in the shoulder dropping him to the ground.

Batgirl quickly look up at me I waived and left.

Since she was on patrol I thought maybe I should go see Jackie but first I went to change in my regular cloths.

I caught the bus to her appointment and walked down the hallway to her room that's

when I seen all my stuff pack and sitting next to her door. I seen a letter so I decided to read it.

Dear, " Zachary Kenndey making this descion was the hardest thing I ever had to do but you have left me no choice but to make this choice. I mean common your gone all night and I hardly ever see you... and what am trying to say is. We would probably be best off apart.

But no matter what I will always have feeling for you.

Love Jackie

By time I was done reading it I notice I was sitting on the floor with teaars in my eyes.

So I got up grabbed my stuff and went to my old apartment

2 months later

I still haven't talked to Jackie but I been talking to this new girl who is an attorney for Bludhaven and get this she is related to grayson.

I still haven't told him about us but we had already slept together a few times now.

In between those two mothns. I was dating Huntress and she finally told me her name was helena. But soon we would call it quits.

But now I was going to tell Richard about me and his cousin.

When I told him about us he tripped out and puched me in the face and took me down as he tried hitting me and I kept telling him to stop.

so did Barbra, but he didn't so I grabbed a hold of his head and got him into a kneck hold and which made him stop punching me then I release as he back up.

He warned me not to get her hurt and I promised.

Rose knew about me and what I did and she was okay with it as long as I wasn't cheating on her.

But every now and then I would check up on Jackie to make sure she was alright.

But lately we been keeping an eye out cause couple of jokers crew were caught here a couple times.

But we could never find the joker just clues. This would go on until I get a phone call.

Stranger: HAHAHAHAHA!!!! SO I guess you found out I was in town hu.

M: JOKER!!! How did you get on my radio?

J: WELLLL you see I made a little vist to to the Junior Batcave. AS I must say you got a nice place here.

M: JOker YOU better have not hurt Barbra or I will.....

J: Don't worry she already know her lesion so does bruce and dick now its time for you to to learn yours.

THE phone called ended and left me in shocked thinking of all the worst thing joker could do to me then I thought about Jackie then rose.

So I quickly jump onto my new bike bruce gave me and rushly drove to Roses home.

An she wasn't in their and it look like their was a struggle.Because the table and lamp was knock over and the the door was broken in.

THen when I made my way into the kitchen their was broken plates, cups, were all over the floor.

Then Green paint on the broken tv in the living room read HAHAHAHAHA

So I rushed out of the home and got on my bike and was about to call Dick when joker face poped on my helment window.

J:Oh see sunny boy I wouldn't do that because not only do I have ur new girlfriend I also have yur old gf and see if you call anybody 4 backup.

I set these bombs which would kill them both HAHAHAHA. But don't worry I will tell you were them at though.

The joker gave me addresses and I rushed to them but nobody was their and tears began to dripped down my check.

I was about to call our hq were joker was at until 2 bomb exploted in the distance.

I didn't bother to go over their cause I knew Jackie and rose was in that explosion.

What he did to batman he did to me.

So I quickly got on the bike and rushed to our hq hopefully I could still get to him. And save babs.

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