I sighed and closed the file. "Mrs. Miller, can me and your husband be alone. There's chairs in the hallway."

She looked at me in shock like o just stole her money. "Arnold-" she whined as she looked at her husband.

He didn't say anything. But I did.

"Mrs. Miller, I can't help the both of you if your husband won't talk. It seems like you clinging on to him.." I looked down where she was gripping his arm. "Is making him nervous. So can you please step out, maybe get some lunch at the restaurant across the street, they have amazing pasta."

Mrs. Miller looks at her husband one last time before standing up and walking out the room.

That's when my business mode kicked in.

I leaned back in the chair and looked at Mr. Miller. "Did you really rape that seventeen year old girl?"

I saw his Adam's apple move up and down before he nod. "Y-yes."

I sighed and opened my file. "Tell me everything that happened, every detail." I clicked my pen.

"Well I was in my office..."

After Mr. Miller explained everything, even the sex scene which was highly disturbing; I had everything I needed for the case.

"Okay." I close the file. "Now that I heard everything, I should not represent you. But you gave me a nice check. I advice you to stay at home until the trial, which is on Friday. If you do not show, you're going to prison." I stood up.

He nod. "I'll be there."

"Good. Have a nice week Mr. Miller." With that I walked out the room to see Mrs. Miller wiping her tears. I sighed before walking up to her.

She looked up at me. "Are you going to stay?"

"The real question is, are you?"

She gave me a questionable look. "What do you mean?"

"I mean you know everything. If we win the trial, are you going to stay afterwards."

Mrs. Miller shrugged. "I don't know. I love him so much." She broke down in tears.

I huffed and looked around. "A word of advice." She looked up at me with her red puffy eyes. "If you really love him, you'll stick by his side no matter what."

She sniffed and nod. "You're right."

I'm always right.... Whoa, that sounds really cocky..

"Try to have a good day Mrs. Miller. Hopefully I'll see you by your husband's side on Friday." With that I walked out of the office and to the directions of my office.

"Ms. Hunter." His voice made me stop in my tracks.

I turn around to see my chocolate in his expensive suit with his Rolex and black dress shoes. "Mr. Ta'challa." I stepped to him.

"Can I speak to you in my office?" He asked with a sexy smirk on his face.

I smiled. "I would but I have these files and from what I heard is that you are representing the plaintiff."

He chuckled. "Yes. I'm not going to look in the file."

"Hmmm." I hummed which made lust fill his eyes.

I guess that's his weakness..

"I don't know Mr. Ta'challa, I should really get to my office." I said in my sexy voice. "But I'll call you."

ChocolateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora