Entry #19

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Dear Autumn,

I am incredibly stupid. Really, I am.

It's just that I was very tired and it was late at night so I wasn't careful enough. I should've been. But it's too late now.

One of the nurses heard me in the bathroom and she called the doctor to come when she figured what I was doing. When my doctor heard me he started pounding on the door and demanding I stop.

But I just couldn't.

So they knocked the door down.

My doctor was so angry. Which was a weird sight to see on a face that's almost always calm.

And then he asked me for how long I've been doing it.

I didn't want to tell him Autumn, I really didn't. But he threatened to call my dad and make him come to the hospital. He knew I wouldn't want to see him at a time like this.

So I told him that I've been doing it ever since I came to the hospital.

I'm so very stupid Autumn.

Now they won't let me go to the bathroom unless a nurse stands outside the door.

They're forcing me to get better. And I hate it.

Please help me get out of here,


Hey guys, thanks for reading and for all your support! I just wanted to ask, what do you think "it" is?

The next chapter will be fun/hard to write...


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