Entry #15

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Dear Autumn,

I don't think I believe in love anymore.

Because believing in love is a lot like believing in God. Under certain circumstances, you might believe in love or God more than anything in the world. But sometimes you might start doubting if love even exist, just like with God.

And you see Autumn. You're a mystery to me. 

Because sometimes you are the one to make me believe in love more than ever. 

Other times you are the reason I think love is some extinct emotion. 

Like today. 

Because as the days pass I keep thinking of times when I was bullied relentlessly with you not even once taking my side or helping me out. 

And that's sad.

Because the Autumn I knew used to keep her promises. But I guess I don't know who you are anymore Autumn.

Love (?),



Guys I've been wondering, what do you think August has?

Also, please listen to the song I think it really represents August and Autumn's relationship (plus I love Birdy)

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