A handful of Shadows {Fifteen}

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*Henry’s POV*

It was way past dinner time and I knew my mom would be insane with worry. Hell, the sky was darkening above me, but nothing attracted me to the empty box I called home like it did when I knew Ollie would be there. He was in another house, with someone who loved him a lot less.

I groaned and rolled over so I was face first in the grass. Ollie’s father was dying, and fuck the bastard, most of me was glad. Then I remembered that his poor health could affect my boy very poorly.. It could get him taken away from me. Even farther away. Worse still-Ollie loved his dad…

And why? Why couldn’t he love me instead?

After a few more moments of sulking in the grass at the local park, I knew it was time to gte going. I wasn’t exactly concerned for my well being-I was a big guy and no one really bothered me-but I was concerned that my mom would have a heart attack if I stayed out any longer.

Walking down my home street I watched as the street lamps flickered on one by one. The sound of my footsteps are the lone sound, and that’s when I relaize it’s way to silent. My breathing sounds like a sonic boom it’s so quiet. I freeze, a terrible premonition chills my veins.

My head turns to the side and I look at Ollie’s silent house. His window is open, curtains flapping madly in the wind. Origami roses scatter his lawn. It’s cold out and any sane person keeps their window closed at night… something was very wrong.

I paused in my walk home, the cold night air bittin at my cheeks. I went to the front door of his house, not wanting to intrude is he really was okay by going to his window. I knocked twice curtly. No answer. Without hesitation I pushed open the door. The smell was awful.

Hard liqour and something sickly sweet. Vomit to I believe. I enter, calling a mild “Hello?”

I hear a graon from deep in the house. The hair on my arms stand up and my pace quickens in panic. I pass the father, passed out in a puddle of his own vommiton the couch.. Red coating the ends of his fingers. No. Please no. I hurry into Ollie’s room.

My first reactionis to gag. I’m so sickened.. Is he dead? His dark hair was sticky with the red substance that was leaking out so rapidly it pooled around my boy. I couldn’t see the source, but the blood was smeared everywhere. I hurried to his side. Please don’t be dead! You’re mine! You can’t be dead!

Tear fell from my eye’s but I didn’t give half a damn. I reached out and grabbed his hand and gingerly leaned over him, putting my cheek close to his mouth. Please breath honey, I need you… please… breath tickled my cheek, faint, but undeniable.

“Ollie” I called to him then. I didn’t know much but I was pretty sure you were supposed to keep the victim awake. “Ollie please” I plead. He’d groaned moments ago, and I didn’t want him to leave me. What was I supposed to do if he left me? I gasped for breaths, trying to calm myself.

“H….” he made a small noise.

“Hmm? Ollie? What did you say?” I hunch forward, listening.

“Henry??” he croaks weakly.

“Yes it’s me, it’s okay Ollie, you’re going to be okay, ok? Just stay awake.. Please stay awake…” I hook my arms under his knee’s and behind his neck supportively, knowing I’ll be able to lift him easily, hoping I don’t hurt him in the process. “This is going to hurt a little” I warn.

When I begin to lift him I almost chicken out-he lets out a horrible gasping sound of pain and I immideitly just want to set him downa nd take away ball the pain-but then I feel a gush of wetness from all the blood and I know if I don’t hurry I really never will see Ollie again.

I carry him back through the house, pausing at the end of the hallway “Ollie? Do you know where the keys are?” I murmur to him softly. He mumbles something weakly and I frown. “Can you say that again?” I ask, as one of my tears falls onto his cheek.

“The.. Counter…” he manages, before coughing a spray of blood. I kiss his forehead.

“Thank you” five minutes later, he’s strapped into the back seat of the car, though in this state if we get into an accident he’s gone for. He keeps coughing blood, which scares the shit out of me. Does it mean internal bleeeding? I turn the key and the ignition, taking off at a speeding pace.

I don’t exactly obey the laws on the way to the hospital.. Or when I get there. I pull into the emergency zoen and turn off the car, though it clearly states that unless you’re in an ambulance you’re not supposed to do that. All I care about at the moment is Ollie though.

I scoop him from the back seat, desperately hoping I’m not to late. I burst through the emergency doors-another offense-and start screaming my hea doff immediately. Doctors and nurses all trun to stare at me as I try to get someone to help. Finally, snapping out of their daze people rush forward to help.

“What happened?!”

“I’m not positive” I lie.

In two minutes they have him in another room checking him over and trying to save his life? Doing surgery? Possibly. I really have no idea how bad he is and what his chances of survival are. I pace in the waiting area, getting pissed off. How come no one’s told me how he is?!

Finally, I can’t take it any longer and I start off in the direction they took him. The secrary glances up as I make to pass “Hey! You’re not allowed back there!” I pretend not to here and keep walking. Frustratingly she gets up and stands in front of me, arms folding across her chest.

“Please sit back down” I galre down at her.

“Why isn’t anyone telling me how my.. friend is? It’s been half an hour miss….” I’m starting to loose my temper. Was Ollie improving? Was he okay? When could isee him again? I peer around her, looking for any trace of dark hair or kitten green eye’s.

She softens a little, seeing my anxiety “Want a tissue?” she asks.

I blink “What?” my hands go to my cheeks and I feel wetness there.

I really needed to stop crying “No.. I just… want to know how he’s doing…”

She frowned in thought “Are you this boys brother?” she asks.

I sigh “… No…”

She rolls her eye’s like I’m not getting something “Are you sure? You look alike..”

We looked nothing alike… oh! She was trying to help me. “Did I say no? I meant yes”

She fights a smile. I’m to desperate to smile “I’ll go see if I can get you a status update then”

I’m back to pacing the lobby. Other people stare but I ignore them. I just wanted that girl to hurry up and return. I swear to god time has slowed down as my heart painfully speed up. What was taking so long? Was it bad news? So bad she didn’t want to return and tell me? Fucking tears blurred my vision.

When I saw her walking my way I walked halfway to meet her, needing to know with every fiber in my soul. I looked at her expectantly and she gave me a sympathetic pat “They say that he’s stable. They had to put him in a medical induced come for the night, but you’ll be let in to him fairly soon. He’s a trooper, and they say that he’ll be safe…” she continued on.

…..He’ll be safe. Yes he will. Because I’m never letting him out of my sight again.


Henry is just so sweet <3 and there you have it folks, the peak of Henry and Ollies troubles! (For this book at least >.>) MOSTLY everything else is happy for them, though they have some issues <3 XD ;) Why do I love possessive guys with such an undying passion? *Sigh* Anyways.. COMMENT!! <3

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