Chapter 3

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This is actually normal for me ,my fathers been abusing me ever since my mother left us About a year ago to go live with her new rich husband.

"YOU IDIOT" he continues to scream "dad I'm sorry" I say and he laughed without any humor "sorry ? YOU BURNED OUR KITCHEN " he yelled slaping me again, this time I fell to the floor and he began to kick me. When he finally stopped he told me to go to bed.

I ran upstairs lay on my bed and began to cry my tears staining the pillow.

Next thing I know it's morning . I get up from bed and walk to my closet , I frown at the limited selection I have. I end up wearing my plaid shirt my only pair of skinny jeans and my old converse I pull my hair up and put on my glasses , I don't wear make up I can't afford it sadly. That's probably why people are always asking why I always look like crap.

I walk to school ignoring the insults as usual as I walk down the cluttered hall. I get to class and I sit down when the bell finally rings everyone sits down and the lesson begins. As I'm Learning about cellular respiration I notice Harry and two girls talking I listen more closely.

"She wore those exact jeans yesterday"

"I wonder if she even washed them"

They continue whispering as I begin to tune then out . The bell rings and its time for lunch , everyone swarms into the cafeteria and sits down , I just head into the hallway and eat my lunch . When I'm finished I go back to the trash can inside the cafeteria and throw my stuff away. Just as I'm about to leave Harry Styles walks over with his trash and instead of throwing it into the garbage he throws it all over me . "Oops sorry " he says sarcastically . I can't believe him. Everyone is laughing even the teachers are laughing at me. I run and run until I get to the bathroom and cry.

After I clean myself up the bell rings and schools over which means it's tine to tutor Harry .

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